Chances for Vanderbilt and Columbia?

<p>Hi everybody! I'm applying regular decision engineering to both schools, and I was wondering what y'all think my chances are. Thanks!</p>


<p>GPA (out of 100)

<p>SAT IIs
-Spanish (without listening)-710
-Biology E-740
-Math I-730
-Math II-800</p>

-Spanish Lang-5
-English Lang-5
-European Hist-5
-English Lit-4</p>

-AP Calc AB
-AP English
-AP Physics C
-AP US History
-NT Bible</p>

-National Merit Semi-Finalist
-National Honor Society
-National Spanish Honor Society
-AP Euro award</p>

-4 years on Varsity Cross Country Team (Big Sister senior year)
-4 years on Varsity Diving Team, placed 14th at State (10th grade Coaches' Award, 11th grade Most Improved Award, 12th grade Captain)
-Community Service Club
-Latino Club
-Lead a Bible Study
-Active in Fellowship of Christian Athletes
-Youth Choir at my church
-Group Leader for the past two years at a mission project at my church that reroofs houses for people who cannot afford new roofs
-Book Club Founder</p>

<p>You would probably get into Vandebilt for sure.
Columbia is a chance as well. Ivys are VERY selective.</p>

<p>In vandy
idk about columbia but you are in the running, definately not safe though just because your EC’s aren’t standout, but they are still good</p>