chances for----Vanderbilt, NYU, Dartmouth, Columbia, Stanford

<p>Senior in "wealthy" community at a public school in Texas
Female, white
GPA 4.6
SAT: 1560 (800 M, 760 V)
SAT IIs: MathIIC: 710, Writing: 730, Spanish w/List. 610
APs: English Comp: 4; World History: 4; US History: 4
Sr Year: AP English Lit, AP Calc BC, AP Spanish, AP Eco
National Merit Semi-Finalist</p>

Choir: 4 years, officer ('05), region qualifier ('04), 2 varsity letters, district qualifier ('04), superior solo and ensemble performance ('03, '04)
Amnesty International: 12th grade, member
Mu Alpha Theta: 12th grade, member
Voice Lessons: 10th, 11th grade
Key Club: member, freshmen year</p>

<p>15 hr/wk job since 9/2003</p>

<p>Please let me know! Thanks!</p>


<p>waiting? ....?</p>

<p>I think everywhere except stanford. Or maybe not if that's all your E.C.s But definitely Vanderbilt and NYU with scholarship.</p>

<p>Your numbers are great, but your ECs are kind of light. Except for choir, it looks like you couldn't really figure out what you wanted to do. The job helps, but on the whole, it seems kind of...flghty. You have a good shot at Vandy and NYU, but Dartmouth, Columbia and Stanford are reaches for anyone (including those with high SATs). I don't think your ECs will do anything to make you stand out.</p>

<p>definitely Vanderbilt and NYU. yes, your ec's could hurt your chances.</p>

<p>thanks! appreciate the input</p>

<p>agreed, but how are you only 64th with a 4.6 gpa?!?!?</p>

<p>yeah i agree with others about the ecs. colleges would proably want to see you doing more, esp. as you're from a wealthy neighborhood as you put it. i think you'd get into all (most likely) except for stanford and columbia bc there are just so many similar ppl applying and the applicant pools at those schools are so tough you really need to stand out, and you're not really.</p>