Hi, I’m a rising senior. Please chance me for these schools. Thanks!
SAT I: single & one sitting 2360, Math 800, CR 760, Writing 800
SAT II: 800 Math II, 750 French, 670 USH but will retake
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): currently 4.0, might be 3.9~, possible 3.97 after second semester grades come out
Rank: School does not rank
AP: Microecon 5, Macroecon 4, AP Chinese 5, this year’s APs should be mostly 5’s
Junior Year (current) Course Load: AP Environmental Science, APUSH, AP stats, honors precalc, honors English, French 4
Senior Year Course Load: Government, Econ, ERWC (Expository reading & writing), AP French, AP world History, Digital Photography, AP Calc BC
Awards: Model UN awards, SAGE Global(Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship) California 2nd place, Athletic award from school, First Place for 2 consecutive years in Regional Chinese Zither (google it…) Competition
Extracurriculars: -Founded Social Entrepreneur Society club at school (President 10 and 11, going to be VP next year);
-Founder and Captain of school SAGE team (10th grade-present);
-Model UN (10th-present, Board of Assistant Directors);
-SANE club (Social Activism through Nonviolent Efforts) (10th-present, Director of Research 11th grade, going to be President next year);
-Varsity Golf Team (11th and next year);
-Relay for Life (9th-present, Committee member, Ceremonies Chair, where I plan the ceremonies during the Relay for Life overnight event);
- Currently founding a social business startup with friends
- Played Chinese Zither for almost 5 years, received awards (mentioned above) and played at many local events
- French Honor Society
- Mentor for a program at my school that helps international and transfer students transition smoothly
Volunteer/Community service: ~200 hrs, Volunteered at local Abode Services (homeless shelter); Founded a free summer English institute at an elementary school in an poverty-stricken region in China, organize volunteer trips there every summer
Summer Activity: College courses at Columbia, UPenn, UCLA; Volunteer every year at the English program I founded in China
State: CA
School Type: very competitive public, 2100+ people
Ethnicity: Chinese
Gender: female
Others: Moved to the US from China right before 9th grade