Chances for Williams, JHU, Northwestern, Wellesley, Georgetown, Tufts, Swarthmore, Duke and Ivies?

Hi, I’m a rising senior. Please chance me for these schools. Thanks!

SAT I: single & one sitting 2360, Math 800, CR 760, Writing 800
SAT II: 800 Math II, 750 French, 670 USH but will retake
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): currently 4.0, might be 3.9~, possible 3.97 after second semester grades come out
Rank: School does not rank
AP: Microecon 5, Macroecon 4, AP Chinese 5, this year’s APs should be mostly 5’s

Junior Year (current) Course Load: AP Environmental Science, APUSH, AP stats, honors precalc, honors English, French 4
Senior Year Course Load: Government, Econ, ERWC (Expository reading & writing), AP French, AP world History, Digital Photography, AP Calc BC

Awards: Model UN awards, SAGE Global(Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship) California 2nd place, Athletic award from school, First Place for 2 consecutive years in Regional Chinese Zither (google it…) Competition

Extracurriculars: -Founded Social Entrepreneur Society club at school (President 10 and 11, going to be VP next year);
-Founder and Captain of school SAGE team (10th grade-present);
-Model UN (10th-present, Board of Assistant Directors);
-SANE club (Social Activism through Nonviolent Efforts) (10th-present, Director of Research 11th grade, going to be President next year);
-Varsity Golf Team (11th and next year);
-Relay for Life (9th-present, Committee member, Ceremonies Chair, where I plan the ceremonies during the Relay for Life overnight event);

  • Currently founding a social business startup with friends
  • Played Chinese Zither for almost 5 years, received awards (mentioned above) and played at many local events
  • French Honor Society
  • NHS
  • Mentor for a program at my school that helps international and transfer students transition smoothly

Volunteer/Community service: ~200 hrs, Volunteered at local Abode Services (homeless shelter); Founded a free summer English institute at an elementary school in an poverty-stricken region in China, organize volunteer trips there every summer

Summer Activity: College courses at Columbia, UPenn, UCLA; Volunteer every year at the English program I founded in China

State: CA
School Type: very competitive public, 2100+ people
Ethnicity: Chinese
Gender: female
Others: Moved to the US from China right before 9th grade

I think you have as good a chance as anyway at these very competitive school. Write good essays and apply ED to your favorite if you can commit. Best of luck!
Chance me back please :slight_smile:

okay thanks!


You have an OK chance. Your SAT score is very good, but your ECs aren’t “unique”. Chance back?

Looks impressive. I think you have a great shot. Good luck

I think you have a decent chance at the Ivies. Good EC’s but not extraordinary. Write a stellar essay, and this would really help you.

@123bcc Okay thanks!

@sgopal2 Alright thanks!


Your chances are good as everyone said. Most of the schools you mentioned have holistic admission process so SAT scores and grades are just one part of the whole app. Your chances are the same as any top candidate. Try to be unique when you write your essays. Good luck!

Looks impressive. I think you have a great shot. Good luck