Chances for Yale SCEA or Cornell ED

<p>I plan on either applying to Yale SCEA or Cornell ED early this fall. How are my chances for both, and which would you recommend? I plan on pursuing a science major. </p>

<p>Please take the time to critique me!</p>

<p>Pakistani-Born Male. Permanent Resident of United States (Moved here at age 4) - English 2nd language. </p>

<p>GPA: 3.9 (UW), don't care about weighted too much but very high.</p>

<p>Top 5% of class - small private school.</p>

<p>ACT + Writing: 34
E: 34
M: 33
R: 34
S: 36</p>

<p>SAT IIs: 690 Chemistry, 710 Math 1 (Yale does not require Subject Tests with the ACT)</p>

<p>**AP Scores<a href="will%20update%20on%20July%201">/B</a>: AP Calculus AB, AP Chemistry, AP Computer Science A</p>

<p>Courses - Most rigorous:</p>

<p>Freshman Year:
Biology 9 Honors
Geometry 10 Honors
English 9 Honors
World History 9 Honors
French II

Sophomore Year:
Chemistry 10 Honors
Math 11 Honors
English 10 Honors
American History 10 Honors
French III</p>

<p>Junior Year:
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus AB
AP Computer Science A
Psychological Profiles in Literature
Theater History
French IV

Senior Year:
AP Physics C
AP Calculus BC
AP Biology
Fantasy and Realism in Literature
Mathematics History and Philosophy
French V</p>

<p>Principal Extra-Curriculars:
Orchestra (Guitar) - 7 Years
String Ensemble (Guitar) - 7 Years
Theatrical Productions - 6 Years
A Capella Singing Group - 4 Years
Varsity Golf - 5 Years, 2 Years Captain
Newspaper - 4 Years, 1 Year Editor, 3 Years Editor-in-Chief
Model United Nations - 4 Years, 1 Year Secretary-General
Yearbook - 1 Year, Staff
Student Body Representative - 1 Year
Choir - 1 Year
200+ Hours of volunteering at local Hospital
Published poet and aspiring writer
Biomedical Engineering Course at GWU - Freshman Summer
National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine - Sophomore Summer
Biology Course at Brown U - Junior Summer
Golf tournaments and other related achievements
Model United Nations - Outstanding Delegate
National Poetry competition finalist - Published works
Service awards
Merit Scholarship holder for 8 years
Other miscellaneous awards...</p>

Guidance Counselor - Great
Teacher 1 - Fantastic
Teacher 2 - Fantastic
Golf Coach - Great</p>

Will be outstanding.</p>

<p>Thanks. All honest opinions are welcome!</p>

<p>Your chances are “solid” anywhere you would like to go. I wrote a newspaper article about college admissions and interviewed one of the Yale Admissions officers. She said that she liked to see Subject Tests even when they weren’t required, so think about taking another and retaking some of those subject tests.</p>

<p>Keep in mind, however, that given your Subject Test scores and GPA, you have a CC Academic Index score of 6/9 (221/240). Your main weakness is your Subject Test scores. I couldn’t quite accurately score your rank versus class size, as you didn’t provide either one, so I used your GPA and assumed a class size of 300. (See: [The</a> Academic Index - Ivy League Admissions Key? - College Confidential](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>However, the AI can be skewed for small private schools. I go to one, so I’m assuming your class size is actually nowhere near 300. Give us updated information (rank is preferable, but class size is necessary).</p>

<p>You have your race on your side, so that is another plus. You have strong ECs, but not so strong awards. I don’t see a major correlation between the two - for example, my strong suit is Forensics, and I’ve won a state championship and various other awards. You might want to highlight any possible correlations in your essays. </p>

<p>Also remember that no one cares what happened before High School, and if your Merit Scholarship is one for your school, they PROBABLY aren’t going to care much (especially at Yale, where everyone who attends or even applies is capable of getting such a scholarship at a local level).</p>

<p>As far as MUN goes – Outstanding Delegate awards can tend to be useless unless you received them at a major national conference with at least fifty schools attending or you can capitalize on that in your essay. For example, I have a pile of sixteen Delegate/Delegation plaques in my closet. Or is this a school award - if so, again, capitalize on it in an essay. </p>

<p>For an application like this - which is one similar to mine - you just need to ensure that you highlight your strengths and show your passion in your essays. I’m sure they will be well written, but they truly need to be outstanding as far as content goes! You have a shot at both, particularly Cornell ED, but remember that Ivys are a crapshoot and that things can go wrong.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think you can for sure do Yale SCEA especially with your race/science major pursuit. What state are you from?</p>

<p>^^ How does his race help him?</p>

<p>I would ED Cornell. Yale not being val with a 34 and no stand out ECs is unlikely.</p>

<p>Small update:</p>

<p>Calculus AB: 5
Chemistry: 4
Computer Science: 4</p>

<p>I still think you can get into yale! I would GO FOR IT!!</p>

<p>I will. :)</p>

<p>I currently don’t have access to a computer (iPhone), so I will address DarkDwarf’s concerns in a few days.</p>



<p>I will be retaking Chemistry and Math 1 in October, and taking Math 2. </p>



<p>Class of about 40. </p>



<p>I will definitely be able to highlight my achievements with my interests in my essays.</p>



<p>Thanks for the information.</p>



<p>My Outstanding Delegate award was at a conference with over 2200 kids in attendance. My committee was an application-only Crisis committee.</p>




<p>Any more opinions?</p>


<p>Looking for more input!</p>

<p>Chances at Yale are very low. Your best shot at an Ivy is Cornell ED.</p>

<p>How may I improve my chances at Yale?</p>

<p>Excellent test score, but there are a few issues though. There is a lack of AP courses taken, and lack of 5s on AP exams as well. This could possibly say something about the rigor of your school curriculum. Also, it is STRONGLY recommended that you send in SAT2’s, to show your ability. Other than that, write a good essay and get good recommendations, and you’ve got a very good shot. Good luck.</p>

<p>Chance me: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^ We are not allowed to take more than 3 APs per year, and self studies are extremely frowned upon by our guidance counselor. </p>

<p>I will be sure to get some strong SAT 2 scores this fall.</p>

<p>Also, if it makes a difference, I did 100 hours of service in New Orleans this summer.</p>

<p>Second what is already mentioned: Yale SCEA seems unlikely.</p>

<p>^ What leads you to say this?</p>



<p>The best way I can think of is to write great essays, which you all ready said you will. The SAT II advice is also very good, but for the people who stated that he needs some kind of great reward, I’m sorry but that’s totally wrong. Colleges don’t ONLY care about awards, they care that you pursue your interests and don’t sit on your butt. Obviously you are highly involved and I assume you enjoy it. That’s what colleges are looking for, that you join something and work hard at it (although awards don’t hurt either, haha). I’d say you have as good a chance as anyone applying to the ivies.</p>

<p>^ Thanks. That allays some of my concerns. :)</p>

<p>My self-analysis would be that I am a top 25% applicant at Cornell, and somewhere in the top 50% for Yale. Is this a fair conclusion to make?</p>

<p>I agree with the above posters. I wouldn’t say you’re in the top 50% or top 25%, however. Cornell ED is your best shot.</p>

<p>How do you have 5 seasons of golf?</p>

<p>I played Varsity as an 8th grader. Very rare achievement at my school. </p>

<p>Also, I will be doing research at Yale’s Department of Cellular & Molecular Physiology later this month if that counts for anything.</p>