<p>Chances (Please Relieve my anxiety)
School: Bronx Science (Public Elite)
Ethnicity: Asian (Indian) Male
First Gen (mom went to 2 year college in india, dad no high school)
Low income: Dad was abusive as well.
Sophmore Year classes: Honors Chem,Honors Trig, Research
Junior Year:Honors English, Honors Physics, Research,
Senuor Year: A.P Calc AB, A.P Micro, A.P Chem, A.P Comp, A.P Psych, Linear algebra/differential equations, research, macroeconomics at local college</p>
<p>Did poorly one term due to aunt's cancer (will hoepfully be explained in rec)</p>
Bio M-710
Bio M-800
U.S History-800
Math 2c-800
Clep Biology-80/80
Clep Spanish-76/80</p>
<p>Pre-Med Society (9,10,11,12)
Key Club (11,12) Projects Commitee head
Chess/Go club (10,12)
American Cancer Society club (12)</p>
<p>Summer job-one at hospital
other at community center</p>
<p>S-Prep at columbia medical school (medical program)</p>
<p>200 hours volunteering hospital</p>
<p>4 year dental internship</p>
<p>Job at Princeton Review Next year</p>
<p>Research at local college
will hopefully be published</p>
<p>Chances for the following Schools-</p>
<p>Princeton University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dartmouth College
Stanford University
Brown University
Columbia University
University of Virginia
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Honors Program
CUNY Honors College- Hunter or City College
SUNY Binghamton
Duke University
Vanderbilt University</p>