Chances @ Good Schools

<p>Indian Male</p>


<p>Freshman Year GPA: 3.83
Soph GPA: 4.2
Junior GPA: 4.6
Senior Year 1st sem: 4.8</p>

<p>National AP Scholar; (4 or 5 on 8 exams by junior year)</p>

<p>AP Euro soph: 4
AP Physics B (sophomor):4
AP Physics C Mechanical junio: 5
AP Physics C E & M: 5
AP US history: 4
AP Calc AB: 5
AP Chemistry: 5
AP Stats: 5
AP Computer Science AB: 5</p>

<p>Current AP's (senior): </p>

<p>AP Bio
AP Calc BC
AP Lit
AP Art History</p>

<p>SAT II: Math II: 800, Chem: 790, Physics: 790</p>

<p>SAT I: Math: 800, Verbal: 730, Writing: 710; 2240</p>


<p>Debate; Varsity 3 yeras, JV 1 year</p>

<p>Robotics; started school club freshman year. Botball year 1. FIRST Soph, Juinor, and Senior years. Club President. Lead CAD engineer, and Webmaster. Went to Championships in Atlanta in my junior year.</p>

<p>Chess: Team President, plays #1 in matches for the school. Rating~1500. not too good.</p>

<p>JV Basketball: 2 years, useless</p>

<p>Varsity Tennis: 4 years, Ranked #3 last year as a junior.</p>

<p>Science Honor Society, Math Honor Society since soph. year.</p>

<p>Designed websites for companies during the summer of sophomore/junior year.</p>

<p>Good Recs, Good Essay</p>

<p>Problems: Low GPA freshman year, received B+ in literature once. GPA pulls me down.</p>

<p>Good: Leadership, good @ math/science. </p>


<p>MIT~really want
Caltech~really want
Carnegie~really want
Cornell~really want

<p>MIT -- 10%
Caltech -- 15%
Carnegie -- 80%, but may change depending on what you want to study
Cornell -- 30%
Stanford -- ?
UCLA -- 80%
Yale -- 20%
UCSF -- 99%
Brown -- 35%
UPenn -- 35%</p>

<p>SAT and lack of focus in EC's drag you down. But good luck.</p>

<p>Stanford: slight reach (20%)</p>

<p>Cornell: Match+ (60%)
UPenn: Match (40-50%)</p>

<p>The rest seems accurate.</p>

<p>I think your MIT chances are actually a lot greater than 10%...according to them, ECs are only a minor consideration, and since your AP tests and SAT tests in math and science all seem excellent, I think they will be interested in you. Also the robotics club looks very impressive</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I forgot that MIT doesn't look at the writing section, so the op got a 1530/1600. That's pretty good. I also think his chance at MIT is a little higher (15-20%).</p>


<p>UCLA: Match (out of state)
UCSF: N/A (graduate only)</p>

<p>He's at least a safe match for UCLA.</p>

<p>And yeah, UCSF is for graduates only.</p>