chances. (junior)

<p>from gr.10 to now (gr.11)</p>

<p><em>im from canada so our A
Starts FROM

<p>86+ = A</p>

<p>subject term 1/2/ final</p>

<p>English ..92/86=85
French ... 100/100=100
Science 99/97=95

<p>Grade 11 (now)</p>

<p>English (i finished this course this summer)
Final mark = 92</p>

<p>Art ...97
Band... 98
SS... 99

<p>So far.. am i good enough for Yale??
i have one B fromg rade 10..</p>

<p><em>This means i dont have 4.0 GPA uw right?</em>
(4.0=A 3.0=B)

<p>Neways.... do ihave any chance??
im getting realyl worried these days. becuase i think im not good enough. and dont think illmake the cut.</p>

<p>((im assuming my SAT score would be around 2000ish.</p>

<h1>my ecs so far</h1>

Tutoring (Leadership)
schoolLibrary volounbteering 10hoursish
student council 2 yrs
Hospital volunteer by grade 12. 300hours
Work experience (with doctors at our community hospital) = approx 30-40 hours.
violin = 10+ years.
and... thats about it :S:S:S:S :(:(!
cant think of anythingelse .right now.</p>

<p>Thanks guys.</p>

<p>You need higher than 2000ish on SATs. preferably about a 2100 or so at least. Try to do some more EC's Out of school. ANd your grading system is messed up? an 86 = A? ours is 94 = A. lol.</p>

<p>like i siad.
im from Canada.
our A starts from 86..
besides english (92) ive got everything 94 or 94+..
Thanks :D
yeh i'll try to get 2100+ i dont know what im getting at the moment tho..</p>

<p>i want to apply to Yale.and Princeton
(and other canadian univs... McGill. <strong>U of T</strong>...etc)</p>

<p>ARE MY GRADES OKAY?? as for NOW?</p>

<p>With those ECs, you'd need 2200+... What about your SAT IIs?</p>

<p>i dont know Yet! i havent taken them yet. im ing rade 11. JUNior yr.
im going to take them next spirng or. oct
but what baout m y GRADES? !!! :(
btw, ive been grade 8,9.10 top student of the year. and outstanding student of the year...</p>

<p>86+ = A?!!</p>

<p><em>packs bags for canada</em></p>