Chances of Admission?

<p>I’ve been thinking of applying to U of A for a while and I’m wondering what my chances are of getting in.
I’m not in the top 10%, but here are some details about me.</p>

<p>Student in San Antonio, Texas. I studied my freshmen year in Arizona due to a military dad.
SAT score: 1750/2400 (Retaking it in October and shooting for an 1800 at least)
GPA: 3.7/4.0
AP Classes:

  • English Lang.
  • English Lit.
  • Psychology
  • Statistics </p>


  • I’ve taken three years of Spanish, and I’m graduating distinguished which means I’ve taken 4 AP classes, 3 years of a language, 4 sciences, 5 maths, 4 language arts, and 4 social studies.
  • I’ve been a part of the spirit organization at my school for three years Pep Squad, JV Dance, and now Varsity Dance Team.
  • I’m in NHS, and Spanish NHS, and I’m applying for Dance Arts NHS.
  • I’ve completed several hours of Volunteer Service.
  • Latino Culture Club
  • P.I.N Club
  • I’ve danced with studios outside of school</p>

<p>Please let me know your thoughts, they are well appreciated. Thank you!</p>

<p>I’d say you’d get in. Go ahead and apply. If you can get your SAT score up a little, you’ll probably even get into the Honors College (and scholarships!).</p>

<p>you’ll def. get in. I got in with a 3.7, 1840 SAT score, and zero AP classes. I was given a $6000 scholarship per year too, plus a free iPad haha</p>