Chance at U of A

<p>I currently live in California and was thinking of applying to the University of Arizona. I am in my second semester of Junior year, and I have to narrow down my choice of schools since I will apply this fall.
About me:</p>

<li>3.1 (currently) </li>
<li>AP Art History (got an A last sem)</li>
<li>took APWH, & AP Lang& Comp previous semesters</li>
<li>electives: band, dance (previous years)</li>
<li>Was part of the Academic Decathlon team (won first place in division 3 at state comp)</li>

<p>Haven’t taken the SATS yet, but did take the PSAT.

  • Math: 500
  • English: 520
  • Writing: 560</p>

<p>I did recieve a D in english acc. from soph year, and a D from chem first sem because of an overwhelming schedule. Will this greatly affect my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>I’d say in, but I would put a little effort into SAT studying to get in the 1600-1700 range. Our budget is getting raped right now, so they might be tightening down the screws on “easy” acceptance practices, thus aim for a good SAT.</p>

<p>I doubt they’ll be “tightening the screws on ‘easy’ acceptance practices” for OOS students. They pay more than in state, so they’ll be more than happy to take his money. </p>

<p>If I were you, I’d just find somewhere in CA.</p>

<p>Speaking towards location, you might want to see how many employers are within the kill zone of your school. The only reason I came to UA was because a) I got a ton of money for doing it. But most importantly B) there’s no employers of my major in my home town university.</p>