Chances of admission?

<p>Hi everyone, what are my chances of admission at Princeton? I am a white female from MN. (I'll be a senior this year)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9 at a competitive private high school
Rank: My school doesn't rank, but it would be in top 5% of 100.
SAT: 2320, 800 CR, 760 M, 760 writing (11 essay)
ACT: 34
SATIIs: Math IIC 800, US History 710
-I hope to take Bio-M this fall
APs: AP Euro 5, US 5, calc AB 5
-next year I will be taking AP English, AP calc BC, AP chem (possible AP research credits as well)</p>

<p>-Most of my classes have been honors or AP</p>

<p>Awards: headmaster's list every semester, English dept. distinction award, math dept. distinction award, cum laude society, service award, silver key award for ceramics (statewide art award)</p>

<p>ECs: swimming 9th grade, fall dramas/winter musicals 10th and 11th, tech for middle school musical 10th and 11th, Quiz Bowl 9-11, Math League 9-11, staff writer for school newspaper 11th (will be news editor next year), Shakespeare Club 10th grade</p>

<p>Service: working with young kids/elderly, teaching Chinese to 2nd grade kids, 90 hours of service work through project link, altar serving at my church</p>

<p>Research: 320 hours of research this summer at University of St. Thomas</p>

<p>Other points of interest: I have been taking Chinese classes since kindergarten (which amounts to perhaps 5 years of serious study in middle/high school)</p>

<p>Any input would be great!</p>

<p>Nothing on your app seems to stand out, Test scores: good GPA: good EC's: Could be better.. the 320 hours of research isn't that impressive compared to other who have done 500+ during the school year. AP scores are fine, but it would've been nice to have more for Scholar w/ dist or natl scholar award. Your awards primarily seem to be those from your school for good grades etc. I would say most of your admission rides on your rec's and essay. In those I would try to elaborate on your passion for teaching to kids because that seems to be the only thing that stands out atm.</p>

<p>I thought your stats looked fiine. Most applicants don't have something dramatic that stands out. I think your ECs are strong enough - and being distinguished by a good school in both math and english, while impressive in itself, suggests that you will have no trouble getting excellent recommendations. I also don't think AP scholar with distinction matters that much; at my school (good suburban public) virtually no one has taken more than three APs by the end of Jr. year, and two is more typical. It all depends on what your school offered. For us, because English, US History, and calc are all two year sequences, we take most of our AP tests at the end of senior year. If other top students have taken five tests, it could hurt you, otherwise, it won't matter.</p>

<p>Basically, you have as good a chance as anyone.</p>

<p>It would be nice if you did anything with your research (i.e. publications, competitions, awards, recognition, etc.)</p>

<p>i think the learning and then teaching chinese although ur white is an interesting combo. i vote capitalize on that.</p>

<p>I'd say an average shot. Your grades are good, your scores are good, your ECs are lackluster, but you're probably one of the better students from MN. Most applicants don't have anything that stands out, but most applicants don't get in. I like the chinese teaching though and agree that if you did something with your research, that would significantly strengthen your app.</p>

<p>ru kidding...she has a 1560, don't tell her SAT and GPA could be better. That is just plain ridiculous. What she needs is a hook: athletic, music, or national award, science research, something that distinguishes her. Trust me, the princeton admission person isn't going to say 1560, gee, she is out...that is too low. Get real! 2 kids in my school are going w. sub 1400 sat scores for music and sports.</p>

<p>The Chinese ECs are only good if she's not Chinese. Your stats are fine but nothing stands out. That makes you a better candidate for a school below the HYPSM tier.</p>

<p>That isn't entirely true. Although a Chinese kid being active in Chinese organizations might not qualify as a "hook" , showing commitment in any area is helpful. As I said before, I think too many people are looking down on this person for not having a distinct hook. Princeton accepts quite a few students who aren't nationally ranked archers or professional musicians. For a candidate like this, I think a lot of it comes down to recs. Are the teachers going to give the standard "this student was excellent" lettter, or are they going to call her one of the best they've ever had?</p>

<p>Thanks for you input. I do plan on doing a lot with my research this coming year- paper, presentation, science fairs, the whole deal. With any luck, that will get me somewhere. It will also not be hard to get great recommendations from my teachers. I also intend to continue studying and teaching Chinese this coming year.</p>