<p>Hi everyone, what are my chances of admission at Princeton? I am a white female from MN. (I'll be a senior this year)</p>
<p>GPA: 3.9 at a competitive private high school
Rank: My school doesn't rank, but it would be in top 5% of 100.
SAT: 2320, 800 CR, 760 M, 760 writing (11 essay)
ACT: 34
SATIIs: Math IIC 800, US History 710
-I hope to take Bio-M this fall
APs: AP Euro 5, US 5, calc AB 5
-next year I will be taking AP English, AP calc BC, AP chem (possible AP research credits as well)</p>
<p>-Most of my classes have been honors or AP</p>
<p>Awards: headmaster's list every semester, English dept. distinction award, math dept. distinction award, cum laude society, service award, silver key award for ceramics (statewide art award)</p>
<p>ECs: swimming 9th grade, fall dramas/winter musicals 10th and 11th, tech for middle school musical 10th and 11th, Quiz Bowl 9-11, Math League 9-11, staff writer for school newspaper 11th (will be news editor next year), Shakespeare Club 10th grade</p>
<p>Service: working with young kids/elderly, teaching Chinese to 2nd grade kids, 90 hours of service work through project link, altar serving at my church</p>
<p>Research: 320 hours of research this summer at University of St. Thomas</p>
<p>Other points of interest: I have been taking Chinese classes since kindergarten (which amounts to perhaps 5 years of serious study in middle/high school)</p>
<p>Any input would be great!</p>