Chances of appeal to uci disqualification

I am a second year and I recently got an email saying “Your academic record has been carefully reviewed. I am sorry to inform you that you have not met minimum academic standards for the University of California, Irvine. You may be disqualified from further attendance at the University of California, Irvine, effective the end of Fall 2016, unless you submit an acceptable appeal letter as detailed in the enclosed guidelines. Your appeal and any supporting evidence must be submitted in writing by Monday, January 9, 2017” I believe it because I have failed 6 class and have a 1.93 gpa but I enrolled in gpa booster class and retake two class next quarter and also quit my two on campus jobs where I was working 19 hours a week. So anyone know the chance of my appeal working and the general rate of appeal getting accepted??

You failed 6 classes. You have a 1.93 GPA.
It doesn’t sound as though the GPA booster class helped.

Did you attend any tutoring sessions?
Did you meet with or contact any professors or their graduate assistants?
Did you go to the writing center for free help and tutoring?
The school usually sends a warning prior to disqualifying you. You should have retaken those classes this quarter.

Did you just recently quit those jobs?

It looks like you are a second language speaker? Why didn’t you ask for help last year?

Unless you can submit proof that something, out of the ordinary occurred (with proof) I don’t think you have much of a chance to recoup your attendance at UCI.

Before you write your letter you need to think about whether continuing college is right for you. If you failed 6 classes perhaps you are not equipped to attend college right now. College is expensive and if you are going to continue to fail classes you should really think about whether this is the right thing for you to be dong right now.

One of the things you must also consider is even if the school grants you an appeal to register for class, because you have not met your satisfactory academic progress you may not be eligible for financial aid to continue.

If you are receiving federal and/or state aid, the more time you spend getting appeals and not making any real progress toward a degree the greater the chances that you will run out of money before completing college

I agree with others, you are not putting your best foot into completing college. Take done time off, get down to the root cause as to why you are not successful. You may need sone time to blossom and mature. I think there is too much emphasis on college being the next step and the expectation that students should attend college right after high school. You have demonstrated that going to college after high school was not the best step for you. Before you get your self in a situation that you won’t be able to come back at all take some time off to reflect and regroup come up with a plan as tiwwhat you are going to do while you are off and your realistic plan for being successful when you return to school.

I quit both the jobs and now and plan to use the time I now have from not working to use campus resources to help me. And I was working so I could pay rent. But I’ll take a loan to deal with that, and put all my effort in my studies. I was on probation for the summer but I got off it before fall quarter. I attended UCI summer session during the summer and did amazing and raised my GPA from a 1.5 to a 2.2 but this quarter working slowed me down and I stop taking hours around week 8 but by then it was too late. So I am super confident that I can raise my GPA from a 1.92 to a 2.0 next quarter plus I’m retaking a math class and econ class that I’ll receive help with from university tutors.

I completely confident that I can get back on track, I just need another chance and time off would be the worst thing for me.

^^ Well, here’s hoping UCI agrees with you. Good luck!