<p>I was one of those kids that did RS in senior year in HS, I recently graduated and now I'm planning on applying to UW (again).</p>
<p>I did get in at WSU, WWU and the U of Idaho before/this year.</p>
<p>My stats right now:</p>
<p>3.3 cum. GPA</p>
<p>60 transfer credits</p>
<p>and I have some extracurriculars ..</p>
<p>I was going to wait until I'd have my AA degree but I'd be done with my AA after Winter 2012, so that would be this coming March and that's why I thought I should give it a try and apply for Winter instead of applying to Summer where I'd have to wait like 3 months. lol</p>
<p>I looked online at the Academic Planning Worksheet for Political Science (I'm a PoliSci major) and it seems like I'd have a shot of getting in w/ my current GPA:</p>
<p>BTW - I could only complete 2 PoliSci classes because my comm. college cut the third one (b/c of budget cuts). I talked with the PoliSci department but they didn't really seem to care.</p>
<p>What do you guys think? Would I have a shot of getting accepted for Winter '12 or should I wait and apply for Summer '12?</p>
<p>You do not need the AA. I was just accepted by the UW (Fall 2011), w/o one. Like you, I did RS in my senior year, then one more year of CC. I applied when I had 60+ credits (December 20th, 2010). I was accepted this month and I how have 85 credits. No AA. BTW, UW will only accept up to 90 credits… Good luck!</p>
<p>P.S. I too was accepted by WSU and WWU.</p>
<p>Biochemistry major (Arts and Sciences)
Overall GPA - 3.7
GPA in major - 3.86</p>
<p>Congratulations to you! That’s gotta be exciting!</p>
<p>Thank you! You made me a bit more hopeful.
I will have 60 credits after Summer quarter btw -
my current cum. GPA is 3.3 but I have 45 credits and I hope that my GPA goes up after Summer.</p>
<p>Do they look at the GPA in your major? That’d Be
awesome! Mine would be a 3.85. (:</p>
<p>So, do you think I should go for it and apply for Winter w/ that GPA (that will hopefully go up) or should I wait until I’d also have my grades from Fall and Winter and my AA and apply for Summer '12?</p>
<p>But then I went online and took a look at the Admissions Planning Worksheet and there were a lot of people admitted with my cum. GPA - and even more with a lower GPA than mine (for the Political Science major, that is).</p>