<p>JUnior in high school, in top 25 of class, 3.8 GPA,1720 SAT's but taking again after review prep class,involved in sports, volunteering. What are my chances of getting into Penn State main campus?</p>
<p>GPA looks good, get your SATs up a hundred or so points and your for sure in. Right now its iffy</p>
<p>Plenty of kids from my school have gotten in with lower SATs and prob about the same rank…maybe a tad higher, but they have to start in the summer. Id say you have a reall really good shot at getting in! I got in and im currently waiting for the honors college. Check out my stats and chance me please!
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/871850-freakin-out-until-4-1-should-i-bother-gettin-my-hopes-up-upenn-pton-schreyer.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/871850-freakin-out-until-4-1-should-i-bother-gettin-my-hopes-up-upenn-pton-schreyer.html</a></p>
<p>I heard when applying to Penn State main campus, if you check off a satellite campus as an alternate they will give you the alternate campus because they like to fill up their satellite campuses first. Is this true? I was also told the opposite-if you don’t get accepted to main campus and you didn’t pick a satellite campus you would have to reapply all over again. I’m confused! I really want to get into main campus!</p>