<p>what are my chances of getting into biochemistry or aerospace engineering?</p>
<p>I'm vietnamese and i got to a really competetive school</p>
<p>gpa-4.12 (it'll be a 4.2 by the end of my senior yr)</p>
<p>rank- 156/847 top 20%... :-/</p>
<p>SAT- 1200 verbal-570 math-630 :-/</p>
<p>Honors Classes:
pre-ap biology
pre-ap w geo
pre-ap geom
pre-ap eng2
pre-ap alg2
pre-ap chem
pre-ap w hist
pre-ap spanish3
AP Comp Sci
AP Bio
AP Statistics (5 on AP test)
preap precal
preap phys
this yr im taking Dual Credit eng, gov, eco AP phys B, AP calc AB</p>
National Honor Society
Science National Honor Society
Health Occupations Students of America
Future Business Leaders of America (Parlimentarian)
People's Animal Saving Society (Vice President)
Service with a Smile
Teen Leadership Coalition
Asian Culture Club
YMCA GirlÂ’s Basketball
Girl's Lacrosse Team
Clear Lake Chinese Church youth group (sang on the worship and praise team)
I did a bunch of community service for the clubs I was in and I'm working at a plastic surgeon's office right now.</p>
<p>I'm really really scared about the whole top 10 thing screwing me over...and my sat is pretty bad (standardized tests are impossible for me) but i want to go to UT soo badly...i slacked off big time my fresh and soph year, but I'm hoping that they notice my grades improving drastically my junior and senior year...do u guys think i will get into one of the majors that i wanted?</p>