Chances of getting in?

<p>From Ohio, going to be a senior, wanting to major in actuarial science.</p>

<p>GPA- 3.44w, 3.1 unweighted
ACT- science-25
SAT- i know it went bad redoing it

<p>-Junior and Senior class Senator in student government. 6th grade camp counselor. volunteering at soup kitchens for a total of 10-15 hours. total of about 25-30 volunteer hours. part-time job. varsity in 2 sports, also play in other leagues outside of school. Salvation Army co-chair for the school.</p>

<p>Also since begining of sophomore year, i have only taken 3 non honors/AP class.
Senior year i will be taking 4 AP classes, and honors English. 6 total AP classes, and i will have 6 math credits, 5 science credits,4 social studies credits, 4 English, 2 foriegn language, plus electives</p>

<p>class rank is top 30% not sure of exact numbers. but i come from a school where we have about 700 per grade</p>

<p>Purdue requires 4 years of math. Unless you meant 6 credits of AP math, then you’d have 2 non-AP math credits floating around. But if you don’t have a math for your senior year, I suggest you get your schedule changed and add one in.</p>

<p>yeah you’re going to need another math course, purdue does require 4 years of math. i would say you have a good chance of getting in, just get your SAT scores up</p>

<p>Oh, and you should check out this link: [Purdue</a> University - Subject Matter Expectations](<a href=“Learn about Purdue University - Undergraduate Admissions - Purdue University”>Learn about Purdue University - Undergraduate Admissions - Purdue University) to see if you have everything. And if not, then you should schedule what you need into your senior year.</p>

<p>Sorry that was unclear. I meant that I will have 6 math classes total by graduation instead of 4, 5 science, and so on. Thanks for your answers</p>

<p>Oh, OK. In that case, I feel like you’ll have a pretty good chance of getting in.</p>