Chances of getting into a UC school?

<p>I am not posting in the Official UC Chance Thread because it’s been dead for a month and before that has sporadic postings. </p>

<p>Preferably, I want to get into UC Davis but any UC school will do except San Diego. If there’s a chance of me getting into UC Berkeley or UCLA, then please do tell. I do not want to go to UCSD because it’s a 8-9 hour drive from my home and there’s nothing exciting there other than the beach (my older brother goes to UCSD and I have been there for his graduation).</p>

<p>Anyway, here’s my record:</p>

<p>Current High School: Lincoln High at San Jose</p>

-Overall GPA on Transcript: 3.8+ (Decimals keep varying from semester to semester)</p>

<p>-One C - it was in art class. School counselor told me that UCs won’t look at art as important as other classes such as Math and English.</p>

<p>-6 AP Classes & 2 Honors Classes: AP Eng. Language, AP Literature, AP Calculus B.C., AP Chemistry, AP U.S. History, AP Government, Pre-Cal Honors, Econ. Honors.</p>

<p>-SAT Reasoning Test Score: 1910 (I’m planning on improving that to at least 2000 on October)</p>

<p>-SAT Subject Test Scores: 750 (U.S. History), 690 (Math Level 2)</p>

<p>Side note: I transferred from a Catholic private school (Saint Lawrence) to Lincoln High during the very last month of my sophomore year. AP/Honor classes were exclusively to only juniors & seniors at the private school I went to. </p>

<p>Extracurricular & Others
M.E.S.A (Math, Engineering, and Science Association)
CSF (California Scholarship Federation)
NHS (National Honors Society)
Video Gaming Club
Debate Club
Mock Trial </p>

Cross Country (one year)
Wushu (one year)</p>

<p>Volunteering & Job & Special Events
Enterprise Leadership Conference
Cityteam Ministries - regular volunteer</p>

<p>Number of Service Hours: approximately 220</p>

<p>Awards: Honor Roll at Lincoln High, Academic Awards at Saint Lawrence in Math, Religion, and Science, Attended Enterprise Leadership Conference and received a certificate for getting into the event.</p>

<p>Personal Statement’s Summary: My mother is the only working person in my family, my father is destitute - lost his shop due to poor management and over-speculation. I have a poor relationship with my father but I am trying to get over my misgivings and make it better. I always went to Saint Lawrence before Lincoln High, the former had elementary, middle, and high school. Saint Lawrence was a very small school, its population of high school was around 250-300. Compared to Saint Lawrence, Lincoln High had 1000+ students. The latter is more lenient on dealing with students than the former, the former was much more strict and restrictive. Public school students’ behaviors are different from private schools’.</p>

<p>Misc: Low income family. Intended major: Biomedical Engineering (though I’m leaning towards chemical)</p>

<p>Post some suggestions if this record needs improvement. I am going to sign up to volunteer at a hospital over the summer. I might apply for a job at Gamestop.</p>

<p>You have a good chance for most of the UC’s. Are you ELC?</p>

<p>I don’t know about your second personal statement, could you elaborate more?
GREAT EC’s by the way, but try to get +300 hours by the end of this summer and you’ll be all set.</p>

<p>Get the volunteering job… not gamestop… >.></p>

<p>oh just saying that chemical engineering is pretty tough to get into, especially for UCLA and Cal. I think you’ll get into Davis easily. </p>

<p>GOOD LUCK!</p>



<p>I have always been to Saint Lawrence since Pre-K until the very last month of my sophomore year. Saint Lawrence had three sections: elementary school, middle school, and high school. Each school was small, each had a population of 250-300. Being a private school, especially a Catholic one, its standards are very strict and punishments are harsh. All students were expected to behave or get a one week worth of detention. Lincoln High, on the other hand, had 1000+ students and it was easy on giving out consequences to students. But without having some sort of private school’s strict rules, some of the students there were…not so orderly. Transferring to Lincoln was new to me, I’ve never been to a school that size and never encountered people who are just very rude and lazy. Anyhow, I eventually got used to the environment.</p>

<p>…eh, I’ll go edit my post.</p>

<p>Over the summer, I’ll be doing 3 hours each day. 3 hours x 60 days = 180 + 220 = 400 :smiley:
60 because I’ll have weeks when I’ll be going somewhere else.</p>

<p>EDIT: Ergh, can’t edit my first post.</p>

<p>in my opinion</p>

<p>Reach - UCLA/Cal
Match - Davis, Irvine, San Diego, Santa Barbara
Safety- Santa Cruz, Riverside, Merced</p>

<p>i would still apply to cal/ucla because although it’s a slight reach you do have a shot.</p>

<p>I don’t know if your second statement is that great… its just my opinion though. ask around!</p>

<p>for EC’s! then that’s great! haha. what’s your intended major by the way?</p>

<p>To be honest, I think you have no shot in getting in UC Berkley, UCLA, UCSD with those stats, especially as engineering for your major. You will have a tough time getting in UCD, UCI, and UCSB engineering. I had a friend who had similar stats as yours, although not as many extracurricular activities as you, and she got rejected from UCSB, UCI, and waitlisted at UC Davis. But you are in UCSC, UCR, and UCM. Sorry if I was a little mean but I am just trying to be realistic.</p>

<p>I believe he has a shot, of course probably not Cal, LA and SD. I had much lower stats (3.5 GPA and 1680 on my SAT) and got into Davis! I probably had much more EC’s and community service hours from most of the people who applied to a UC though…</p>

<p>@ProteinMan: No, that’s alright. I preferred real opinions than typical encouragements from counselors/teachers.</p>

<p>Reach:Cal, UCLA
Slight Reach:UCI
Safety: UCSC,UCR,UCM</p>

<p>I would also apply to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, it’s a very well-known engineering school and often comparable with Cal. Of course, competition is tough getting at SLO as well. But you never know.</p>

Yeah, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is a very good school for engineering and you have a good chance to get in it. Plus it’s way cheaper than UC’s so you’ll be saving a lot of money. Although I wouldn’t say Cal Poly Slo is close to Cal in engineering, it’s no where near it.</p>

<p>@TehGoldfinger lol, yeah, sometimes is good to have someone give you a realistic or harsh perspective on things. I remember when I almost applied to UCLA, I asked my teacher if she thought I’d had a shot and she told me straight out “NO”. But then again, I kind of regret not applying because I would feel much better now getting the rejection notice instead of wondering if I would’ve got in. Definitely apply but don’t feel too bummed if you don’t get in.</p>

<p>I had much lower stats and ECs and got into Davis too, though not for engineering. Since so many people apply for engineering, it’s gonna be tough anywhere.</p>

<p>chances of getting into uc davis, uc irvine, or uc santa cruz:
1 AP Bio class senior year, trying to get into Honors English
Taking SAT on Saturday, have taken a lot of PSATs
Achieved Academic Scholar award senior year
4 years football
over 300 hrs community service</p>