<p>Hi, I'm new to this website. I'm planning to apply to these schools but I was just wondering what chance I have in making these private highschools.</p>
<p>SSAT scores:</p>
<p>Reading: 704 (85%)
Verbal: 722 (83%)
Math: 800 (99%)
Total: 2226 (93%) (BTW, do these school focus more on your average or individual scores?)</p>
<p>I am..
in the eighth grade
a violinist and have been playing for about 5-6 years. I won 2nd place at a state-wide competition (in NC) and am 1st chair in my school orchestra.
a break dancer, I have been dancing for two years (will this help my application?).
a swimmer and I've won a few awards locally.
pretty much a straight A/A+ student besides one B+
taking Algebra 2 (there are only 11 students in this class)
in a special academic class called LEAP, where there are 25 people in a class and learn every class at two grade levels higher.
on the Math Counts team and won a couple awards in 6/7th grade.
play chess as a hobby</p>
<p>You sound like a good canidate. Your math scores show you’re really good in that area, and your other scores weren’t bad either. You seem to have a firm list of extra curriculars up your sleeve and a good balance of athletics and academics. I think the break dancer thing will really help you stand out a bit, I would make a point to inlude that in your interview or an essay. Have a good interview and some nice essays and I’d say you’ve got a good shot at these schools. But keep in mind really there’s only so much one can guess.</p>
<p>Ok, thanks for the message.</p>
<p>You are a really amazing candidate, the fact your taking Junior year math in 8th grade is impressive, and your EC are strong, I have heard music major all too much too often, though so am concerned that you may not stand out too much…</p>
<p>@scales1994 yes I am Korean
@shushugah my interviewers have told me that it’s interesting that I can breakdance and play music because they are two different styles of music. Thanks for the message.</p>
<p>Yay I’m smart
I wish my Korean friend knew who to break-dance ;__;</p>
<p>LOL, maybe I could teach you :P</p>
<p>Could someone else give me feedback?</p>
<p>i do everything you do… and more… at a higher level… but I’m older…
You’re Korean? That’s gonna drag on you… Are your parents Christian?</p>
<p>My parents are Christian and so am I.</p>
<p>BTW snapepotter, did you get in the school of your choice?</p>
<p>SnapePotter, I don’t think that being a Korean will necessarily drag him. I know it’s very competitive for Koreans to get into these schools, but hey. Private Schools like HADES and others have shown oscillating patterns in accepting prospective Korean students. It really depends on the relationships that the school has with their respective Korean community. </p>
<p>Yongatilla: I think you will get into Lawrenceville and DA but I am not too sure about Andover and Exeter. Exeter really like kids that are great at Math, but one thing I do agree with SnapePotter is that these schools do see a lot of are Korean students who are good at Math and are excellent violinists/clarinetists/pianists. Not trying to discourage you because you do have some great EC’s, like break dancing. It shows you like to do things that aren’t ordinary.</p>
<p>Good Luck</p>
<p>Goothebear: +1</p>
<p>Your profile sounds interesting. Breakdancing! Cool and very unique.</p>
<p>Agree about good shots at L’ville and DA. Exeter
Math. So I’ll say you’ve got a good chance their. Andover is the Harvard of boarding schools admission wise (take that with a grain of salt). You’ve got an OK chance of getting in. But on the whole your profile is great.</p>
<p>@goothebear: Thanks for the message. I’m fine with going to Deerfield because it’s my first choice!
Also, could you tell me what HADES is. I’ve seen it a lot on this website and I don’t know whether it’s the name of a school or if it stands for something.</p>
<p>@plumplum: Thanks so much for the feedback. I bet your profile is great as well.</p>
<p>Thanks. HADES = Hotchkiss
St. Paul’s</p>
<p>Although I necessarily don’t think that HADES are the best schools. If Deerfield is there, Choate better be too hahaha</p>
<p>Groton, Choate, Lawrenceville, Milton. Those are also HADES quality schools.</p>
<p>HADES is simple word that represents GLADSCHEMM or wtvr the word is, most of the BS are there, mostly it’s about fit,</p>