<p>It's pretty cliche now, but what are my chances of getting into Phillips Acadmy Andover/Phillips Exter?</p>
<p>I'm applying as a 9th grader, my SSAT average is 94% (i did pretty badly but its too late to turn back now,) my essays are...eh...i have no idea..my interview was alright, my english recommendation is probably a mess, (i've screwed around with her alot this year..) my math recommendation and personal recommendations should be nice, and I have straight A's. </p>
<p>I've played the violin for 11 years, been concertmaster of the symphony, won a Concerto Competition back in 2000, performed at Benaroya Hall, invited to play with the Longy symphony, played in the symphony for 5 years, and had some pretty amazing teachers.
I also play the piano, sing, swim frequently, and am thinking about taking up fencing again in high school
I'm part of my school newspaper, math olympiad, and science olympiad; I've won in state a couple times. </p>
<p>I can't think of anything else, but what do you think?</p>
<p>you sound like you have good stats and all, but ZERO passion,
what scores you get on AMC, AIME and USAMO? and you’re essay and recommendations don’t sound too good, so at this point consider it a crapshoot, it can go either way</p>
I disagree with this. She (I think you’re a she) has been playing the violin for 11 years and has done some pretty incredible things with it. He/she has more passion than most applicants.</p>
Your SSAT score is fine. That’s Andover’s average. Unless you got like a 99% in one section and a 60% in another section, I wouldn’t be too worried. And, I think that you’re smart for saying that you have no idea about your essays. Us applicants don’t know how admissions officers view essays and it annoys me when I hear people say, “I know my essay is amazing.” </p>
<p>From looking at what you posted, I think you seem like a smart person, and I think you will have good news on March 10th. You have a better chance than I do, and I can’t think of anyone who I think has a better chance than you. Good luck.</p>
<p>Are you international ?? because theat would be a huge hook, and guarantee almost definate acceptance, as boarding schools want diverse international student bodies!</p>
It depends on the country. If you’re from China or South Korea, it’s almost impossible to get in. Deerfield’s international acceptance rate last year was less than 10%. If you’re from a country that these schools don’t get a lot of apps from, then it’s a “huge hook.”</p>
<p>I think you have good chance to get in. Your SSAT score is ok to be accepted. No worries.</p>
<p>Im from Germany, lived in Germany Spain Austria and now southern US, would you consider that a hook ?</p>
<p>Oh btw, I speak German English Spanish and am taking my third year of French</p>
<p>Please spit out an answer guys ! I am getting worried that i’ll get denied by all of the schools</p>
<p>it’s interesting but idk if i would consider it a “hook” perse, i think hooks are more like URM or high level athlete recruit. and being from an unusual country is a hook (ie, tajikistan) but i doubt it’s a game-changer; they’re not going to accept you specifically because you’re from tajikistan, but it might tip you in a final stage.</p>
<p>also, everyone is just as nervous as you, but us saying that you’ll get in shouldn’t be assurance for you. expect the best, prepare for the worst-- meanwhile, i would refrain from giving out so much personal information online.</p>
<p>Germay is a rather large country … I doubt that someone will come rape me because they read this but thanks for the advice anyways :)</p>
<p>You look like you’ll get in. </p>
<p>Just learn how to spell Exeter for your application.</p>