Chances of getting into Cal Poly SLO?

Hi guys,

What are my chances of getting into SLO for Aerospace engineering with a 3.83 weighted GPA and 1480 SAT. I also got a 32 on ACT.

Cslculate your MCA score:

Post #52

Good test scores but low GPA.

Also check this link for posted MCA scores for Aerospace as a comparison:

Thank you! My score is around 4600, which is on the lower side. My GPA went down due to the factoring of things like choir and band. It’s a little frustrating

You’ll be on the bubble. Make sure you have a safety you’re happy with. Good luck!

I’m curious about what my chances for AE are as well. I’ve got an MCA of 4723, but my GPA and test scores are both above average for CP engineering.

I tried looking through previous acceptance threads, but most people only say their test scores and GPA, not MCA.

@ajoneshs, it’s bad form to co-opt someone else’s thread. That said, 4723 will probably be the bubble, neither a sure thing like a 4900 or a “no way” like a 4300. have a safety. Good luck!

My apologies. I’m new to College Confidential.

Thanks for the feedback!