What are my chances of getting into Cal Poly Slo

Hi! Im currently a high school senior and the time to apply to colleges is approaching. Right now, I have a GPA of 3.18, and a weighted of 3.71. In 9th grade, I did not do well at all, with a GPA of 2.67, but I have improved dramatically. My grades have continued to rise, showing a huge positive grade trend. I have taken the SAT once with a low score of 1130. I am retaking it and hoping to get above a 1200. Cal Poly Slo is the school i really would like to go to for aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical engineering. I was wondering if anyone could help me know whether I have a good chance of getting in or not.

Thank you

Average SLO GPA for Engineering was a 4.21 (9-11th grades capped weighted) and SAT 1481 for this year’s Freshman Class. SLO will be a Reach school for you based on your stats. There are many other CSU’s that would love to have you so apply widely and make sure you have 2 safety schools on your list.

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but a reach school is one where you at least have a chance, where you simply fall a bit below the 50th percentile.

CP admits strictly by algorithm, called the MCA (if everything we’ve believed to be true still holds). Every class counts the same, and GPA is by far and away the biggest component of the algorithm, accounting for close to 50%. They don’t care about improvement. They don’t use essays or a holistic view where there’s a lightning strikes chance for a candidate grossly below their ranges. As of 2103, the absolute MCA cutoff for engineering was 4200. Calculating your MCA, giving you top credit for honors (8 or more), full rigor (math through calculus, lots of lab science, language and english classes), EC, and work, AND being generous in weighting your GPA, you’d still fall below that cutoff. Even if you were to bump above the absolute cutoff of 4200 by bumping your SAT, that’s just the auto-rejection cutoff. The AE cutoff typically hovers around 4700.

You can certainly apply if you want, but you really need to look into AE programs where you have a solid shot at admission. I’m not trying to be mean, but doing what a “chance me” thread should do, giving you a realistic assessment to guide you.

Good luck. You will certainly find a school lucky to have you.

@Kiyvashazim: Since you are a new poster, you should know that you need to start your own thread. It is considered rude to post questions on another posters thread.

Thank you, I really appreciate your honesty :slight_smile:

Apologies for posting here again. Deleting my post.