Chances of getting into classes...

<p>Hey guys.. like most freshmen my registration date for winter classes is in Dec. 4th. I just checked a class I need to change major, which is econ 20a, and there is only 1 class and its been one day and its already 1/4 full... so do you guys think when its my turn i will still be able to register for it?? Thanks</p>

<p>a little error i meant in Dec. its not like everyone has it on the 4th…</p>

<p>Just put yourself in the waitlist because its pretty much a given people are going to drop their classes</p>

<p>in those huge ass lecture classes, teachers are typically more willing to add more kids. it just means one more seat filled, even though a lot of kids wont go to lecture. in the event that the lecture hall is overfilled and a test comes around (and everyone shows up) they can just get seats in another room (happened to me in ochem-nowick)</p>