Chances of getting into George Washington University Honors Program

Hi, I am a rising senior (female) with a 4.25 weighted GPA, 30 ACT scores, 730 on SAT subject test (History), 660 Math and 630 Biology. looking to major in Political Science, History. 3 Varsity sports, work two jobs during the summer, National Honor Society, other volunteer work and school clubs. Limited AP courses offered at my school (small catholic) took two AP this year History (4) and Bio (3). Taking 5 AP’s in my senior year and a college course. Would love input on chances of acceptance to GW as well as chances of receiving any type of scholarship. TIA

Your chances for acceptance are very good, as well as the likelihood of you receiving some sort of aid. I can’t speak to the Honors Program with much certainty, however, but I’d assume that you have a decent enough shot at that as well.

Keep up the good work!

I think your chances of being accepted are fair. Your record would put you in the middle of the pack of GW students. I don’t think there is any reason you wouldn’t be accepted, except for luck-of-the-draw, which is a significant factor at any competitive school. As far as scholarships go, I believe most schools use them as they think they need to in order to attract students they are accepting, so who knows. My best guess is that, if you are accepted and apply for financial aid, you will get some form of scholarship, but the amount could be anywhere between $5,000 a year to $25,000. As far as the University Honors Program, only about 6% of students are accepted into the program. I think they bring in about 150 students each year out of a class of 2500. I would guess your odds of getting in are fairly small, even with your very solid academic record.