Chances of getting into GTech

<p>really want to go to GTech from out of state. I have
ACT - 28 (24s/28m/32v/29w)
SAT - 700m/650w/600v = 1950</p>

<p>GPA - 4.3 w / 3.7 uw</p>

<p>Extra Curricular:
Varisty Track Team
School Newspaper(Editor in Chief)
AV Club (Producer - Leadership Position)
Math Honor Soceity
History Honor Society
National Honor Society
Key Club</p>

<p>In 8th grade I won a competition during National Engineers Week. It was known as the Future City Competition. I won for all of Florida and came 5th place in the nation. Nationals they paid for me and the team to go to Washington DC with about 47 other teams. It was nationally recognized, however the fact that it was in 8th grade means I don't know if I can use it.</p>

<p>I also have about 200 community service hours, job experience working at the University of Miami, and twice a month I tutor underclassmen in math.</p>

<p>I'm hispanic male.</p>

<p>Senior Class
AP Physics
AP Calculus
AP Gov
AP Economics
AP English</p>

<p>AP Tests:
AP Computer Science A - 5
AP US History - 2
Haven't taken the ones from Senior year yet.</p>

<p>Class rank 17/335 (~6%)</p>

<p>What are my chances of getting in to GTech. I plan to apply as early as October, so I can qualify for the President Scholarship. I don't hold out much hope for getting it, but at least I will be notified of acceptance at the earliest possible time. I want to major in Electrical Engineering.</p>

<p>I think you can get in GT</p>

<p>I dont think you will get presidential scholarship; however I think your chances for admission are pretty good. The only real blemish I see on your record is your SAT score(A little low for tech) but if you raise it you may have a shot at presidential scholarship because of your minority status. Tech has a relatively low hispanic population.</p>

<p>You look like you have a decent chance for GTech. SAT is not actually low for GTech. You also have the alternative ACT but I cannot actually tell your GTech ACT score -- it uses only the math and English score for admission and ignores reading, science and composite, but I cannot tell what your English score is-- whether it is your "v" or "w." Moreover, your GPA looks good but I cannot determine your GTech GPA -- to calculate it: (a) use only college prep courses -- English, math, social science, lab science and foreign language and ignore all other grades; (b) eliminate all + or - from your letter grades, e.g., B- or B+ simply becomes a B and a 3.00 on a 4.00 scale; (c) to get GTech weighted grade add .5 to each A (which becomes 4.5) or B (which becomes 3.5) grade in an honors or AP course; a C in such a course gets no extra weighting. Now do GPA based on those rules; if it is 3.8 or better you are in fairly good shape. Note that GTech does not require out-of-state students to have better stats than in-state students to get admitted. As to the scholarship, your chances do appear to be significantly lower than those for admission. Also note that GTech does not take URM status into consideration for admission.</p>

<p>it is extremely hard to get the presidential scholarship. it is even harder to maintain it. many people lose the scholarship just after a year since receiving it. but, other than that, you have a decent chance.</p>

<p>You're fine but don't count on any money.</p>

<p>So, would it make a <em>huge</em> difference when I go to apply for a job if I graduate from University of Florida(Where I can get 100% tuition) with an Electrical Engineering Degree, or if I go to GTech?</p>

<p>No, go to UF. It's a great school and is probably better socially than Tech anyways.</p>

<p>Yea, but won't it look better coming from GTech. GTech is ranked 7th in Engineering by USnews, and UF isn't on the top 20 list at all.</p>

<p>Has GTech always been a tough school to get into (I mean, is the difficulty in getting in the same as it was 20 years ago)? My math teacher went there as a business major, and I'm not saying that teaching is not a respectable profession, but he has no desire to teach and doesn't seem like he really likes it (I've known him for a few years, because he's my tennis coach too, and he's told me these things while going to school tournaments). Just need some opinions!</p>

<p>Bump for opinions on attending UF with free tuition(room/board not included) or attending GTech at full price?</p>