Chances of getting into Harvard?

<p>Hi, my overall GPA in high school (unweighted) is 3.86. I currently have a 4.57 GPA. I have 8 Honors/AP classes under my belt, and I am taking 4 right now. They are:</p>

<p>AP Computer Science; AP exam score: 4
AP English; AP exam score: 5
AP Human Geography: AP exam score: 5
AP Physics B; AP exam score: 5
AP Calculus AB; AP exam score: 4
Honors Trigonometry
Honors U.S. History
Honors English 3
Honors Economics/Government (Currently taking)
Honors English 4 (Currently taking)
AP Biology (Currently taking)
AP Calculus BC (Currently taking)</p>

<p>I scored slightly higher than 2100 on my SATs and a 35 on my ACT.</p>

<p>I am also involved in the following [extracurricular] activities:</p>

<p>Eagle Scout
Volunteer Weekly at the local VA Hospital
Mock Trial
Model United Nations
Science Olympiad</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I have also held a summer job at the Los Alamos National Laboratory as an intern for two prior summers, and I will be working there again this summer.</p>

<p>So, what are my chances of getting into Harvard, does anyone know.</p>

<p>Thanks so much!!!</p>

<p>you’re definitely qualified enough to get into harvard, but don’t forget that 80% of the applicants are. do you have any hooks, cuz that helps. Give it a shot and see what happens, but don’t put all your hopes in dreams in one basket, cuz even though you are deserving you could still easily get rejected.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, danr74!</p>

<p>It depends but Eagle Scout is a big hook depending on how involved one is. It shows a lot.</p>

<p>what is eagle scout?, </p>

<p>I agree with Danr, he basically summed it all up. What is your class rank because that is very important?</p>

<p>I think being an Eagle Scout is cool (my husband was one) but in our neck of the woods it seems like anyone who stays in Boy Scouts becomes an Eagle Scout (15 or more a year in our small town)</p>

<p>Eagle scout isn’t even close to a hook. It’s definitely a plus though.</p>

<p>A hook is something like URM, Legacy, Recruited Athlete, Politician/diplomat/celebrity/etc. family - and even some of those are debatable.</p>

<p>Who the hell cares what we say though?! You get one shot (mostly) to apply to Harvard! Go for it and see what happens!</p>

<p>major reach. EC are lackluster. eagle is not going to cut it at most schools and definitley not at H.</p>

<p>I think you have a very good chance. Make sure you send in your ACT score. Your ECs will definitely help you too.</p>

<p>Lobzz that answer isn’t very helpful.</p>

<p>very good chance? Please define this. If you are saying there is a higher chance of acceptance than rejection then I think you are being overly optimistic.</p>

<p>Your ECs will definitely help you too. Well of course EC’s will ‘definitely’ help you. A lot? No. Harvard isn’t going to accept you because you have an eagle scout. That’s not really diverse…</p>

<p>Thanks Mal77</p>

<p>You’re welcome!</p>

<p>Best of luck!! You definitely are qualified, so you have just as much chance as the rest of us!</p>

<p>I’d say you have about as much chance as everyone else who applied. Which gives you a percentage of what, 0.004%? Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks, Guys.</p>

<p>Try to play up your internships and if you do research make sure you submit it to Siemens/ISEF.</p>

<p>Relatively average chance. Much better chance if you’re val or sal in class rank.</p>

<p>I’m ranked 3rd in my class, and I am a valedictorian. At our school, it’s anyone with straight A’s.</p>

<p>It does not matter what your school calls a valedictorian. Number 3 is numer 3 in the eyes of the adcoms, not number 1! Nevertheless, number 3 is great as well, dont stress out about that!</p>

<p>Cool. Thanks, I’ll do that.</p>

<p>wow, los alamos national laboratory!!! I wish I could work there…well, i could, but instead i chose to go to a Harvard-MIT lab during the summer.</p>

<p>you have good shot as any of us. I would suggest you to focus on your research and interests, and how they tie to each other, and what will u do in college with those interests, etc</p>

<p>just wondering, what did you do in LANL? I was thinking about doing the biology/genetics section if I want to intern there.</p>