Chances of getting into Nursing Schools

<p>I am going to be a high school senior in New Jersey so I am trying to decide which nursing schools to apply to this year. My stats are:
Unweighted GPA: 3.35
Weighted GPA: 3.89
I take mostly AP and Honors classes. My only on-level classes have been graduation requirement electives. </p>

<p>SAT: 1930
CR: 730
Math: 640
Writing: 560</p>

<p>Subject Tests
US History: 740
Biology: 600</p>

<p>ACT Composite: 32
English: 29
Reading: 34
Math: 32
Writing: 8/12</p>

4 years volleyball
4 years softball
4 years yearbook club (Editor junior and senior year)
400+ hours of community service at a horse barn
50+ hours of community service at a church childcare sunday school
10+ hours at a volleyball clinic for middle school students
World Challenge Peru - service trip
Work at a local restaurant </p>

<p>What else do you think I should do?</p>

<p>you should get into many nursing schools, but make sure you apply to a range of schools and apply early. Many colleges fill up their nursing seats by December or January.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that many BSN nursing schools don’t really ‘accept’ you until your Junior year…in those cases, your work as a Freshman and Sophomore in college will make a huge difference - far more than your work in high school.</p>