<p>Hey, so I really really want to go to Princeton (it is definitely my top choices). I was wondering what you guys thought my chances are...
I go to a small private school with about 80 people in my grade; it is very competitive. I have a 97.6 weighted GPA (out of 100) and I'm in the IB program at my school. I've taken APUSH and got a 5. I took APEURO and pretty sure I got a 5, but still waiting. I took IB Econ SL and think I got either a 6 or 7. Prob got a 6 in IB Latin SL. Next year (senior year) I'm taking HL Bio, HL history, SL math, AP Stat, AP US Gov, AP Comp Gov, HL English, band, and TOK. I got a 2080 on my first SAT, but I plan on taking it again (I'm getting like 2200-2250 on Blue Book practice tests). I got a 750 on US SAT, and I'm taking Math II and Bio in November. Other academic honors include Centre College Fellow, Finalist in the Colonial Dames National Congressional Seminar Essay Contest, Randolph College Classical Scholar Book Award, membership in the Latin Honors Society, membership in National Society of High School Scholars, and membership in the The Cum Laude Society. I'm still waiting to find out about National Merit, but I'm a little bit above where the cutoff was last year... I have been on the Varsity Tennis Team since 7th grade (we've won 3 state championships; captain next year), Mock Trial team since 10th grade (attorney), Debate Team since 10th grade (captain next year), and Model UN since 11th grade. I am also the Secretary on my school's Honor Council. I have participated in my state's Youth-in-Government since 10th grade, and have a pretty big leadership position for that next year. I participated in my state's Boys State this summer as well. In my Junior year, I founded Politics Club at my school and am currently the President; it's pretty nonchalant, but we basically meet once every two months and discus politics lol. I am also the Vice President of the Young Americans Foundation chapter at my school; this is student conservative organization which is usually only found at colleges, but our school is one of like the 5 HSs that has a chapter lol. This summer, I have spent about 4 weeks volunteering for the Salvation Army by working at the Kroc Tennis Center in my city and doing tennis clinics for the Boys and Girls Club. This past year, I volunteered for the Romney campaign from like June/July to November; I also worked at the polls on election day. I play clarinet- I'm in my school's band, but more importantly I'm in one of the most well-known youth symphonies in my region (we performed in Carnegie Hall last March). Last summer (2012) I volunteered in Rwanda for ZOE Ministries, a Christian organization dedicated to promoting sustainability for African orphans. </p>
<p>P.S. Although Princeton is my top choice, I'm also applying to Harvard and Yale (which are just as difficult to get into). Non-Ivies: Georgetown, Wake Forest, UNC, UVA, Rice</p>
<p>P.P.S. I'm a white male with no legacy (Dad went to UGA) and don't intend to play varsity tennis at college (prob club tennis tho)</p>
<p>Nothing is guaranteed, but I think that you have a decent shot. You should look into EA/ED programs if you’re into that kind of thing. </p>
<p>I would suggest that you make this post more organized; it’s very difficult to follow.</p>
<p>Yeah find a template to make your post more organized so people can differentiate your app. Otherwise yeah you have a good chance as any! Especially at the non-ivies, you’ll prolly be accepted into all. Only worry is initial low GPA, even with upward trend. And SAT should be 2200+</p>
<p>Harvard - Reach
Princeton - Reach
Yale - Reach</p>
<p>The problem is, these schools are reaches for everyone. You could EA Princeton if it’s your top choice and if you’re permitted to, EA Harvard too to maximize chances. I THINK Yale has ED and even though Princeton is your top choice, that would maximize chances for Yale. You’ve done well for yourself, but these schools are reaches for everyone, now just show a lot of interest and you may just break through their barrier.</p>
<p>Correction: My cumulative GPA for high school is 97.837, if that makes any significant difference, lol. But it’s been slightly upward trending every year, with a 98.25 GPA for Junior year.
Also: any tips for improving SAT Math? I tend to do well on CR and Writing, but Math always seems to trip me up because the questions are just presented in such a weird way, even though the actual math part is pretty easy…</p>
<p>The Ivys are all reach schools for even kids with perfect SAT/ACT scores club founders and tech wizards. You can only apply EA/ED to one Ivy League school.</p>
<p>How much would applying EA to Princeton help my chances?</p>
<p>Carnegie Hall is impressive (did you perform there?). The Rwanda trip is also rather unique. Perhaps these could be inspiration for your essays. It’s hard for me to judge your chances as you look pretty competitive already. A 2200+ is quite sufficient for Ivies already.</p>
<p>Not sure what else I could talk about.</p>
<p>I don’t agree with OP being able to be accepted to all non-Ivies. That’s pretty hard to judge as well. Assuming non-Ivies already excluded MIT, Caltech etc., even the lower-ranked universities may not accept you that easily.</p>
<p>Overall, your stats are fine…just interest the admissions with your essays.</p>
<p>Yeah, we performed there. But I think smarty99 was just talking about the non-Ivies that I am applying to (Georgetown, Wake Forest, UNC, UVA, Rice). I know that I would never get into MIT or Caltech, because I am not at all a math-oriented person… I’ll probably major in either Poli Sci or History.</p>
<p>Sorry I didn’t notice that. Rice should still be around a reach. Others I’m not sure.
If you’re going to major in Poli Sci or History, I’d say your ECs show a bit of a focus. It’s hard to judge really.</p>
<p>Poster a few comments above is wrong. Yale, Harvard, and Princeton all have restrictive early action, meaning you can ONLY apply to one of those three schools early action. The only other schools you can apply under the SCEA rules are public schools, schools with rolling admission, and schools out of the country. You can also apply to a school EDII. If you want the specifics I would look it up- I might have missed one.</p>
<p>With that being said, Princeton’s EA acceptance rate is around 18% (RD = around 5%). These numbers are slightly skewed because a lot of recruited athletes and best-of-the-best applicants apply SCEA, however if it is your clear first choice, you should absolutely go for it!!!
Your statistics would make you a competitive applicant (assuming your SAT score does improve as it has been in the practice tests). All you can do is make sure to really nail your essays and hope your teachers write you good recommendations and at that point there’s nothing else you can do. Just focus on what you can work on and change in these upcoming months! Best of luck! :)</p>