Chances of getting into Texas a&m?

Just finished my freshman year at University of Iowa and want to attend Texas A&M in the spring of my sophomore or fall of my junior year.

First semester: 2.6 GPA Second semester: 3.0
In high school I had above a 3.0 (around 3.4) for the most part and scored a 22 on the ACT.
I played a sport all 4 years, was involved in clubs for my junior and senior year.

I don’t have much to write home about but I’m currently in the Air National Guard and am about to go to tech school! Through the Air Force, tech school credits are transferable so I plan on doing really well and that’ll help boost my current GPA! I also want to take the SAT instead of the ACT again.
When I applied to schools, I got rejected from: Mizzou, U of Illinois, U of Indiana and accepted to: Bradley, Iowa and Purdue. All of those schools acceptance rates are all within the same ball park of Texas a&m so I’m torn!
SO basically, is it worth taking to SAT? Do I apply my sophomore or before junior year? I’ve known people who’ve got rejected from schools they should have been accepted to and vice versa.

What are my chances now and what can I do to increase my chances!?

What were you using as TAMU acceptance rate/criteria?(i’m just curious, guessing it is for all types of admits) Transfers & freshmen admits are entirely different. What is your major? Read through the transfer threads, look for those with your major.Here’s a link to transfer admissions Pretty sure your SAT/ACT no longer matter for admission, just your college credits. I’m not up to speed on transfers - someone correct me if I’m wrong please :slight_smile: Your courses, GPA , EC and essays are what are looked at for transfers. You are admitted by major, which has specific criteria for transfers. Increasing your GPA is your best bet for admission, along with completing the required courses.

2.8 College GPA for freshman year most likely isn’t going to make the transfer cut.

@RMNiMiTz I meant I ended with a 3.0

@AGmomx2 I just used what it gives you on google when you type in “Texas a&m acceptance rate” and it said 66%.


Right, you ended with a 3.0, but you have a 2.6 GPA first semester. That means you have a 2.8 cumulative GPA.

That isn’t quite accurate, it is based on all acceptances not just full to College Station campus. it includes: Full admits to CS, Blinn Team, Blinn engineering Team, Engineering at Galveston, & Gateway. Getting admission here is deceptive, for freshman there is auto-admits ( top 10% TX graduates & combo of top 25%+ high scores) =100% admission rate, then the others are categorized as review admits - rate of acceptance is roughly 15-20% of those.

Transfers are entirely different & vary by major. Some majors are very difficult to gain admission as a transfer ( for example: business takes a max of 100 transfers on a competitive basis - internal transfers require a 3.5, so expect it to be higher than that, , some other majors are not so competitive for transfers.

I do not wish to discourage you - but do know that some of the majors here require very high GPAs to transfer in, pick wisely if you are on the fence between majors. Do some research on the majors, transferring within is not easy (sometimes not possible by policy for transfers) and have a back up plan. Looks to me as if college took you by surprise 1st semester then you figured it out second semester - assuming you got a 3.4 GPA that semester.

@usaf5445 As @AGmomx2 said, I don’t think that high school stats really matter for transfer students, but to give you an idea how deceptive the 66% is… my son barely squeaked in to A&M with a 28 ACT and 4.2 GPA. I mean BARELY. Lots of more qualified kids with much better stats didn’t get in. He must’ve written some darn good essays! Tx A&M is a different beast than most colleges because they offer freshman so many different “pathways” to get in, which figures into that 66%.

What @AGmomx2 said in the first paragraph of post #6 is dead on. The 66% is a mathematical smoke and mirrors quirk heavily impacted by two auto-admit categories. After auto-admits are done the general estimate is that the percentage for admissions is in a range of 1% to 2%. US News and World Reports rankings owes A&M an asterisk next to that 66%. It’s totally unhelpful and it’s a misleading number for potential applicants.

@kaydeeloo your kid put together a great total application because as a resident here in Aggieland we’ve seen similar numbers not make it more times that you imagine.

@usaf5445 You need to find out what departments give you the best chance for a transfer, and that will mean another more email or two. It may be tough but if this is where you belong be persistent and take the advice given by the staff at A&M. If you make it to A&M, PM me and I’ll pay for your first year of membership at my American Legion post (even though you’re not Army) and I’ll help you find a good church, mechanic, or whatever else a local can suggest to get you settled in. Good luck!


When you say “auto-admits” for the 66%, is that AutoAdmit+Academic Admit or is it just Auto-Admit (like literally that category).