Chances of getting into the business school?

<p>Hey I am a freshman applying to the b-school for fall 2011. Here are my stats</p>

<p>GPA: 3.885
member of finance and investment society (helped create a mentorship program within the organization)
member of uw republicans club (actively participated on scott walker's campaign for governor and chad lee's campaigns and ron johnsons)</p>

<p>What I am worried about though is that I am filling out transfer apps and my pre-business advisor (in the undergraduate academic services) had to fill out apps and is aware now that I may transfer. Is it possible she could tell the b-school admission boards that I might leave and I could get rejected?</p>


<p>Walker and Johnson, really?? Do you want the UW to be destroyed?</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it. It could be interpreted that your transfer app is in case you want a business major even if it means switching schools to get it… Your advisor will not go out of the way to tell the B school this bit of info. If she has any concerns she would discuss them with you first if you have asked for a recommendation is my logical guess.</p>