Chances of Getting into the Watson School of Engineering at Binghamton

Hi all, My son’s a senior and his #1 choice is Watson at Bing. Wondering what his chances might be.
GPA 95
4 year college credit Engineering program 99 avg.

All AP Science and Math classes grades in high 90s (Bio, Chem, Physics, Calc BC)

AP English gr. 11, AP World History gr 10 and AP 12 grades in high 80s.

Science Honor Society, Science Olympiad, Toshiba ExploraVision Award of Acheivement. Sports, volunteer work.

SAT 1280:
690 math
590 reading

ACT 28:
28 Reading
34 Math (Yay)
23 Science (UGH!)

He’s taken SAT and ACT 4 times each- these are his best scores. Went to test prep tutors to try to boost those standardized test scores. He can’t seem to finish the test in time (hence low science ACT score, despite getting perfect science scores on all practice tests)

Diagnosed as having dyslexia. Even though he didn’t mention it in his application (not looking for excuses), his guidance counselor did mention it as she wrote about his tenacity and work ethic. Math and science come so easy, but he has to work really hard for this Bs in Social Studies and English. He took APs in this areas to push himself, even though it meant weighing down his average.

At this point it is what it’s going to be. He just loves this school and wondering if there’s hope…

There’s always hope. He’ll find out soon enough since EA decisions come out early December. Do not be discouraged with a deferral to RD though. This happens to a lot of EA applicants who subsequently get accepted during the RD round. Good luck and don’t let the stress of waiting get the best of you. Enjoy the rest of his senior year! :wink:

Thanks for your kind reply. My son spoke to someone in admissions yesterday who also said the same thing. They thought that, most likely with his stats, he’ll get deferred (which we’re now hoping for) instead of a straight out rejection. Ultimately, the most important thing is finding a school that will be a good fit and things do have a way of figuring themselves out.

Yeah, he might get deferred. Just like my son who has similar stats but higher for SAT reading. The EA round is a funny thing, the school wants to fill only so many seats so they are picky to whom they give one. Plenty of ‘normal’ students don’t get accepted in the EA round since the school wants to compare them to the bigger RD pool… It’s a numbers game. Especially with big schools who get thousands of applications.