<p>Hi there </p>
<p>am feeling a bit anxious about my appplication to uc berk (i find out april 26)and i am wondering if you all can give me your honest opinion on my chances of getting into uc berk</p>
<p>I'm a transfer student from a california community college. this school has a high transfer rate to UC berk.
I'm african american and male.
I'm also considered a re entry student (i'm 30).
I am also a apart of my schools DSS (disabled student services) i have a learnign disability
I work three jobs and go to school.</p>
<p>in spite of what some would deem setbacks I have a 3.3 GPA after several years of study (10 years litterally at the community college level) I am finally ready to transfer---
I have worked extensively in theater and music-- during this time--- working professionally as an actor, singer and dancer. here is a bit of the resume that i posted along with my application.</p>
<p>I have worked as a supernumerary actor for sf opera
I have several principal roles under my belt in college productions and in community theatre productions. I have sang in numerous school groups including several solos with orchestra, and have participated in every vocal performance group at my school (all 5 for at least 2 years one for 5 years) worked as a professional soloist for several churches</p>
<p>I am apart of Uc Berkeley's TAP, Stiles HAll, and Berkeley Experience programs
--so got lots of help on both my transfer essays and they are both quite strong!!! :-)</p>
<p>what do you think are my chances for getting into UC berkeleys Theatre and performance studies degree program?</p>
<p>THANx bunches :-)</p>
<p>*hi all</p>
<p>my post has been up a few days and I havent received an answer though many people have looked at it-- please help me out and let me what you think about my chances…</p>
<p>thanx everybody</p>
<p>anybody out there?</p>
<p>Honestly, with your several experiences I would definetely accept you. This is because you show a passion in theatre. Goodluck.</p>
<p>I feel like you have a really good chance. Your GPA might be a slight problem, but if you’ve communicated your passions articulately, then there shouldn’t be a problem
good luck!</p>
<p>OMG!!! thank you guys so much! Its nice to hear that my experience counts for something–maybe??? hopefully???lol— I know the gpa is an issue and IS an issue… it Is LOW FOR bERK… I’m just hoping my experience coupled with my kick ass essays ( I worked super hard on them and gave them to several different professors and school counselors including working extensively with the Berkeley Experience REP and the Berkeley Tap rep) will all work in my favor… We’ll see!!!
thanx again!!! I’ll chance you both if you’d like! ;-)</p>
<p>andy I didnt see anything that you emailed where did you email the information?</p>
<p>bumped!!! chance me please ;-)</p>
<p>First of all I would like to say thank you for chancing me! It’s nice to see other African Americans who want to go to Berkeley as well. As for your chances: Your GPA is right at/ slightly above average. I would see if I could bump that up a bit; however, your passion, desire and persistence are great feats that make you a strong transfer candidate. You have nice extra-curricular activities that exemplify your passion for theater; your work ethic even with your disability shows that you will be able to handle work at the UC Berkeley and that you use your resources effectively. I would give you a 75-85% chance of getting in. You have a great chance and could you get others to chance me?</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1469783-what-my-chances-getting-into-berkeley.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1469783-what-my-chances-getting-into-berkeley.html</a></p>
<p>thanx so much RyanByrd7 thanx so much for your kind reply!Hopefully we both get in! Its funny that your also a socio major because if I got into berkeley I would double major in sociology and Theater and Performance Studies… <em>fingers crossed</em> we’ll see :-)</p>
<p>wow i definitely think you have got a great shot that ucb!! considering your intense involvement in the industry, ucb will know that you are dedicated and passionate</p>