After my junior year I think I will have an unweighted 3.2-3.3 after all my three years. But my gpa regarding my freshmen year is a unweighted 3.4ish…I’m a little nervous because I did pretty bad my freshmen year and am afraid it ruin my chances.
My school is pretty selective in class courses, its a private prep school…
Freshmen year I took all CP
Then Sophmore year I took CP & Accelerated
Then Junior I took mostly Accelerated and 2 CP’s
Next year (Senior) Im taking 2 APs, 3, H, and 2 Accelerated.
My EC’s are pretty strong…(Don’t want to go on and on)
Im also worried about my first two years where I feel like the CP classes will hurt my chances, but I know they like to see students gradually improve.
SAT Scores:
Writing: 630
Math: 600
CR: 510
Also I’m planning to finish the first half of my senior semester with A’s and high B’s… please let me know my odds of getting in, be frank I won’t be offended by comments.
Forget to mention my weighted gpa of my soph + Junior will most likely be a high 3.7-3.8…
I would retake SAT and aim for a 1900+ or consider the ACT. UCI likes high GPA and are more forgiving with lower than average test scores, if UC GPA is over 4.0 vs.Lower GPA and higher test scores. Scour the admitted threads to get an idea of your competitiveness. Good Luck
@Gumbymom Thanks, greatly appreciated.
Do you know your rank in school? I would definitely retake the sat or take the act if you are more math and science coordinated. your freshman year may hurt but you still have a decent chance if you pull yourself togethef
UCI is a great school I used to live right next to it so good luck! 
UCI got a lot harder this year. I’m not sure if it’s about budget problems, or whether or I’m just not wellrounded. I got a 2130, and 3.79 UW gpa and got waitlistsed for engineering, but then again my grades dropped in junior year… you atleast have an increasing trend. You can take a look at my theads to see my high school achievements. I would apply to more safeties if I were you, or maybe you can get in if you have great EC’s and an outstanding essay.
UC’s do not consider rank in admission decisions except in the context of ELC eligilbility. Freshman grades are not considered in UC GPA calculation but will help if you show an upward trend in your grades. Average unweighted GPA for first time Freshman 2014: 3.92
If you could get your SAT up to around 1900, then you would be golden. Perhaps consider taking the ACT if UCI accepts it. Often students do a little better on the ACT if they are a classroom learner, so I would solidify your test scores to be considered more competitive, but you have an alright shot as you stand.
Chance me back?
@NickMath23 although UCI will certainly take a look at your freshman year and senior year, it will not count towards your gpa. Your SAT score could use a lot of work though, try getting it up to slightly above 2000? Your GPA seems decent for a UCI applicant, although it certainly is not the standard for a uc applicant. If you do improve semester by semester (or term by term), that also helps you a little bit. Also, UCI kind of cares about the holistic applicant, so are your ECs good? Good luck! I hope you get in if this is your dream school!
I believe that it’s harder to get accepted when you live in-state. My sister applied this year, (we are CA residents) she had straight-A’s all the way through, a few honors, one AP. Lots of EC, cheer captain, interned at vet’s office, etc. Got wait-listed. Your chances definitely go up when you are out-of-state. I would definitely work hard to get your SAT score up, and really get those essays for your application going now so you can have a trusted teacher look over them and help you polish them. I think that’s where my sis lost UCI. She procrastinated on those essays. Good luck! I think your chances are fairly decent, especially if you are not a CA resident.
Please compare your numbers to the data released by UCI for fall 2014. I believe the gpa is the UC weighted formula.
While I have not seen the admission breakout for instate vs out of state, instate portion of the class was 73 pct with OOS and internationals making up the rest. @primapup8 do you have any link showing the admit rate for OOS was easier than the admit rate for instate?
OOS applicants have a higher UC GPA requirement and based on other UC stats (UCLA/UCB), accepted OOS applicants have higher GPA/test scores versus in-state. Not sure if this true for UCI.