chances of getting into UMD?

<p>im a sophomore.
in state.
3.5 gpa
total of 5 AP's
in model un, secretary of english honors society, secretary of our school class, swim team, lacrosse, music honors society, science honors society, will get solid recommendations.
about 1750 on sat. </p>

<p>im trying to get into university of maryland college park?</p>

<p>ideas? anyone?</p>

<p>Too early to tell, but UMCP is quite competitive and numbers driven. I would say that both your grades and SATs need to go up.</p>

<p>UMD has increasingly become a “safety” school among in-state students who are reaching for the Ivies and other very competitive schools. The economy recently has made UMD a very affordable choice for in-state students with top-tier scores, and the admissions officers know this. </p>

<p>That being said, it’s getting increasingly harder and harder to get into UMD. What got a student in 3 years ago may not get them into UMD now. </p>

<p>You’re a sophomore with plenty of time. Your GPA looks decent; more specifically, get that SAT score up. The average SAT score I saw for their Honors program was 1400 (CR + Math). If you can get your score to their Honors-level, you make a convincing acceptance.</p>