Chances of getting into UT as a transfer?

<p>Hello! I am currently in my second year of a local community college. I'm a sophomore and I'm looking to transfer into UT Austin for the Fall 2014 semester. I want to apply into the College of Natural Sciences, and it would be my junior year.</p>

<p>-I've completed 40 hours (11 more in progress)
-College Algebra B, Trig, A, Pre-Cal is in progress, Biology 1 A, Chemistry 1 is in progress.
-I currently have a 3.75 GPA
-I've been on the dean's list all three semesters I've completed.
-I'm a member of Phi Theta Kappa
-I have worked part time and have over 800 service hours.</p>

<p>I don't think I will have any letter of recommendations, I do not know many professors that personally, I'd rather have no rec letter than an average one. </p>

<p>I realize that I need calculus to get into the CNS. I've heard of students getting in without the Calculus credit, but I am still nervous. Should I complete my transfer application anyway? My second choice school would be COLA.</p>

<p>What are my chances of getting in? </p>

<p>bump, Iā€™m really nervous</p>

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