Chances of getting revoked?

I received an offer by UWM from the waitlist this very morning. My average GPA throughout my highschool career up until second semester senior year was around 3.5~3.6. However, this semester has been pretty rough on me GPA wise, not only due to slacking, but also because of several bad relationships with teachers. What I’ worried about is the fact the acceptance letter that came in today claimed that it is “dependent upon maintaining my academic record”. Currently, it seems like I’m about to have 2 Cs, putting my second semester GPA for my senior year to a 3. I’m worried that this will cause my offer to be revoked after they received my grades this semester. Does anyone have a similar experience or know the chances for a revoke that they can share about? Is the revoke highly possible?

You’re fine. My child is at UW and he slacked hard his final semester high school, ending up with a C and lots of Bs. As long as you don’t get any Ds or Fs, no need to worry. To make yourself feel better, check out the UW subreddit and you’ll see lots of high school seniors with your exact question and their acceptances were not rescinded.

BTW, UWM stands for UW Milwaukee. Madison is just UW or Wisconsin. :slight_smile:

ETA: You’re not your. :woman_facepalming:t3:


omg thank you soo much! This reply made me feel a lot better about my current circumstances.

I thought UW Milwaukee and Madison just had clashing abbreviations until now :confused: