<p>so i was wondering how much of a chance i have at getting in to Harvard, Stanford and UCLA because my extracurriculars are pretty good but my test scores are just ok?
I have a 2130 SAT score
weighted 4.54 GPA and 4.0 unweighted
AP tests
5-AP US history
5 AP comparitive politics
4-Ap eng lang
3-Ap chem
I am the captain, league doubles winner and MVP of my varsity tennis team and a member of varsity badminton
ranked USTA tennis player for 7 years
Intel international science fair finalist and special award winner
Siemens science competion semi finalist (as of today :] )
6 time state science fair category award winner
i also volunteer for the the sierra club and helped start a science fair mentoring program for middle school kids.</p>
<p>You have really nice awards and GPA but, imo, your most realistic shot will be at UCLA. That very respectable SAT score will not be very competitive at Harvard and Stanford, and I don’t believe your EC awards will make up the difference. You should definitely apply anyway and see what happens. Good luck!</p>
<p>First off, you’re in at UCLA.
Your extracurriculars are spectacular. I would forget everything else and start prepping for the SAT again. Take them December and January. You also didn’t mention your subject test scores. You will be a killer applicant if/once you raise your SAT scores. Stanford and Harvard are still unpredictable though.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1015336-chance-me-columbia-ed-please.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1015336-chance-me-columbia-ed-please.html</a></p>
<p>First of all, congrats for Siemens (I also found out yesterday =)). I’d say you’re pretty much in at all, just don’t mess up on essays and you should be fine. I suggest applying to MIT and Caltech. They’ll like your ISEF and Siemens awards. Good luck!</p>
and congratulations to you too!! what was your project on?</p>
<p>hey, my project was on physics. Quasiperiodic Photonic Crystals for Multi-wavelength Reflectors and Emitters. Basically, a project making solar panels and all other optical materials more efficient, while controlling light concentrations and colors. I’m curious about your project too.</p>
<p>thats really cool!! i created and characterized/found applications for a floating superhydrophobic membrane made from nanoparticles that is 1micron thick and sits on the surface of water and water drops can roll around on top of it loll
did u enter yours into any other science fairs?</p>
<p>Your project sounds epic! I’m from NYC so I’m entering my project into NYCSEF the precursor to ISEF. Hopefully I can make it to ISEF this year! Also, I might enter into ISWEEEP. But, I’m not a senior yet, so I cant enter Intel.</p>
<p>haha nicee isef is soo much fun!! i went last year in san jose and i want make it again this year but its rlly hard cuz there’s only 2 places for the entire San francisco bay area ihope u make it though
sts sounds amazingg but idk if i’m going to enter, everyone who gets in seems to be pro musicians or in the math olympiad lol</p>
<p>My advisors told me, that I’m a possible candidate for ISEF this year. Hopefully that works out, so I can head out to LA! Speaking about ISEF, can you take AP’s there, because its during AP week. And you should definitely try out STS. You never know!</p>
<p>i started the app for intel today yeah its so cool that its in la this year cuz the state fair is held there the week after. they hold most of the ap tests there and u just have to fill out a form while your submitting application materials to them and pay a fee. I decided to take makeup ap’s instead last year but its probably a better idea to just take them there because the makeup tests are wayy harder. isef is cool because theres a lot of parties and mixers along with the presentations and practically everyone is going to MIT haha and they have rlly nice awards and scholarships O:)</p>
<p>I have to agree with others and say that harvard and stanford don’t seem too realistic right now. Though Siemens and ISEF are impressive, they’ll most likely have more impact at places like MIT or Caltech. I think your SAT score is really holding you back right now. Definitely in at UCLA though.</p>
<p>thanks!! anyone else? i actually have a 4.64 gpa and 2150 on sats now although thats not too much better</p>
<p>Your awards are great, but awards don’t mean much. Many students don’t even know about these competitions. You’re stats are pretty good. I would say apply and see what happens. Chance back pls
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1067379-chance-me-if-you-can.html#post1066213420[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1067379-chance-me-if-you-can.html#post1066213420</a></p>
<p>It doesn’t matter that “many students don’t even know about these competitions”; admissions officers do, and they’re the ones who make the decision. OP, your science awards (Intel, Siemens, etc) are really impressive.</p>
<p>I think you have a very realistic shot at all of them. Your gpa is perfect, your ecs are all very impressive and shows you’re good at community service, sports, and science (well-rounded). These definitely make up for your sat which isn’t that bad, really. Just make sure you have good essays and you’ll do fine.
Good luck!</p>