Chances of Ivy League from NEW ZEALAND!!!!

<p>I live in Auckland, New Zealand and I want to get into an Ivy school. So here we go... </p>

<p>SAT I: 2250 (projected, taken May 3rd session)</p>

<p>SAT II: 750 x 3 (projected, not taken yet)</p>

<p>School rank: 3/450 (highest difficulty of subjects at school - Cambridge curriculum with 4 A2's and 1 offline AS)</p>

<p>External results - IGCSE (94 average), as (89 average)</p>

<p>Extra-curricular: (about 20 in total)
2008 Prefect - school leadership team
1st in Debating regionals; highly recommended award in another comp.
Amnesty International Leader.
Academic Council - only 4 out of 450 in year level
Young Enterprise – Managing Director.
21st Century Smale’s Farm Program.
2007 North Shore Youth Councilor - only 30 in region from all high schools
Taharoto Orchestra (violin).
40 Hour Famine Co-ordinator.
Peer Tutoring.
Peer Mediation.
Peer Support (Buddies).
SADD group.</p>

<p>Conference work:
NZ Representative at the 31st session of the World Heritage Youth Forum (United Nations).
UN high school representative for region
Best Delegate award at regional MUN
2007 Auckland Model Security Council (2nd placing).
2007 New Zealand Model United Nations.</p>

U15,19 basketball.
Junior, intermediate tennis.
7B rugby.
Senior badminton.
Social table-tennis.</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Restaurant - 50 hours
Market Research Interviewer - 200 hours</p>

<p>u should create a new thread with your SAT results.
just make sure u place an emphasis on passion as a theme in your essays and you ll be fine mate.
good luck.
PS: a lot also depends on what you want to major in.</p>

<p>Hey, I'm from NZ as well. Are you applying for 2009 entrance? If so what school are you at? (I'd guess Westlake from the stats). I reckon you have a good shot, but you can never really tell.</p>

<p>Do you need financial aid?</p>

<p>also, why do you like obama if you're from new zealand?</p>

<p>duh. the entire world was cheering for obama in the election</p>

<p>Scho is right, if everyone in the world was allowed to vote in US elections - Obama probably would have had 75% of the vote.</p>

<p>Oooo -- we need all the Kiwis we can get.</p>

<p>Both my sons did semester abroad in New Zealand.</p>

<p>No, we're not too good at foreign languages in my family.</p>