Chances of low-GPA Transfer?


I should start by saying that for the past 2 years of college I have had a 3.8-4.0 GPA. That was until last quarter where for a variety of reasons including financial stress, working, and mental health I bombed last quarter (brought Gpa to a 3.2) and decided to move back home and finish out the semester at a local community college. I have been working on my mental health (as that’s really the only thing in my control) and have been able to come out this semester with a 4.0 so far. It seems I will be able to finish like that but of course I don’t want to jinx it. I was able to explain my situation in the common app, wrote strong essays and have LOR from a teacher from my old school (who I was close to and did well in their class) and a current professor who sees how much work I have put into the school year so far. Throughout all of this, although I’ve already applied, I was wondering if I even have a chance? Don’t know if this matters but I am first gen and URM.

I don’t portend to know your mental health issues but Y would u want to transfer to Barnard ? Why If you’ve struggled at your first school, why wade into the stress and rigor of Columbia?

The LOR has to be from someone who taught you in the last year. So if that professor hasn’t you will need to find another.

I’m not able to chance you. Don’t see the stats for Barnard but I wish u luck in finding the right environment for u


Totally understand the questions and appreciate the criticism. My LORs are both from people who have taught me in the last year. One who started teaching me in January and the other from a class last spring quarter. Most of the struggle with my mental health and grades came from being in a place that was never a good fit but decided to go as they gave me the most financial aid. I was never able to visit the school as I graduated in 2020 and didn’t know the school wasn’t a good fit until I finally got to be in person. The classes had a minimum of 300 students in each class which I didn’t realize would be such a problem until it was. I was rarely taught by professors and TAs weren’t always much help either due to the amount of students. In HS I took honors and AP and still wanted the rigor that I’m used to but in a better environment that cared about me and not just the money I pay (granted most schools care about money). I visited Barnard before and absolutely love the community there and felt the school “clicked” if that makes sense. I know these aren’t great reasons so I apologize. Granted, I am applying to other schools as well with smaller class sizes but I was wondering specifically about this school.

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Best of luck - as long as you have a few schools that fit the bill for you, i’m sure one will work.

You have a chance! Barnard honors the “holistic look” in reviewing its applicants much more than some of its contemporaries and your need for financial aid will probably be the more likely culprit than a slightly less than perfect GPA or short community college detour if you are not accepted.

Good luck with your application!