Chances of me and M&T

<p>Hey everyone, I am nearing the end of my junior year and will be applying to upenn early decision in the fall, would like to get an unbiased feeling as to where i stand:</p>


<p>96/100 gpa with a very rigorous IB curriculum at a top 25 in America specialized high school </p>

Bio HL
Chemistry HL
Lang and Lit HL
Math SL
Spanish SL
History SL</p>

<p>SAT: Have not taken officially, in the middle of a course right now; confident I will score >2300, so for this sake say 2320 on the SAT</p>

<p>Subject tests: above 700 on Bio, Chemistry and Math Level 2 (debating learning US History and taking that as well)</p>

<p>EC: Very competitive soccer at one of the top teams in the country, in communication with the soccer coach @ penn.
- Started a Djing business
- National Honor Society
- Participate in JSA (debate club basically, and have a leadership position), Key Club, FFA, Music Club, Academic Team
- Played guitar for 7 years
- Varsity Tennis for freshman and sophomore year (had to drop because of rigorous academics and soccer)
- Varsity Soccer for sophomore and junior year
- Placed Second in State and Regional Science competitions Soph. Year (JSSF and Del Val in the Medical sector)</p>

<p>Strong Strengths (paradoxical?):
- Related closely to Alumni, therefore legacy student
- Plan to apply ED
- EAGLE Scout
- Possible soccer recruit</p>

- Though gpa is high (96/100) on a rigorous schedule, others in my class are higher, so I may not be in top 10 percent.
- Not many leadership responsibilities in school (many other kids applying have leader roles)</p>

<p>Given all the above, what do you think my chances are for the Jerome Fisher program</p>

<p>You appear to be local. Are you actually in school in Philadelphia, because that could help?</p>

<p>You’re a very strong candidate to get into Penn, but I don’t know about a specific program.</p>

<p>Unless you actually like history, why spend your precious time learning it?</p>

<p>Upenn is a reach and M&T is a super reach for anyone who has not taken their SAT yet.</p>

<p>It’s much harder with a hypothetical SAT score. What are your hypothetical SAT IIs? Lol. ;)</p>

<p>Did you take the PSAT?</p>

<p>i took the psat sophomore year and scored 209, junior year scored 217, but i am preparing for this sat and have taken many practice ones, thus am confident it will be over 2300, but that is not the point.</p>

<p>You are a very strong applicant right now for UPENN, but for the M&T program you will need things that really stand out (related to engineering and buisness). I suggest you do an internship. Also your essay is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing for any of the special programs at Upenn. So try to make your essay amazing, you really need to show why you want to do the M&T program. Otherwise i’d say you a good canidate…but so are the other 1000 people applying. Just do your best to stand out.</p>

<p>Chance me back for the LSM program at Upenn</p>

<p>I’m not going to pretend like I know anything about the chances you have at M&T, but I will say this…I’ve heard that not taking math at a higher level puts you at some disadvantage.</p>

<p>I’m in M&T, and I still have no idea how they pick kids. Kick as much ass as possible. Definitely be unique. We have a couple of kids that do the DJ thing, which is pretty cool; it’s tried and true, I guess.</p>