Chances of Transferring to Mays?

<p>Hello I am currently a sophomore Business student at the Baur College of Business at the University of Houston and looking to transfer to Mays for the Fall of 2012 I currently have a 3.3 GPA and hoping to bring that up to a 3.4 or 3.5 with this spring semester's grades and I will have 54 hours when I apply....could anyone help me out with some insight on my chances of getting into May's for Fall 2012?</p>

<p>I had a hard time transferrring into Mays, some don’t though. I think since you are coming from a 4 year school and not a CC, you have a better shot with a sub-3.5. I’m not sure if you will have a strong chance with a 3.3, I think it would come down to the classes you’ve completed and your essays. Have you completed Business Math, Business Cal, Business Law, Econ 1 and 2 and Acct 1 and 2?</p>

<p>I am now taking Econ 1 and 2, Acct 1 and also I have taken Calc 1 2 and now taking 3 to get my math credits done as well as MIS this semester…I was an engineer major at one point and liked calculus so I decided to finish the the three calcs.</p>

<p>Man, if I were you I would think about the Industrial Engineering Degree here at A&M then. They, in every way, make more than Business students…</p>

<p>haha yea I realize that but as much as I enjoyed engineering I like the business classes I am taking now much more…I just hope that my transcript is strong enough to have a good shot at getting into May’s</p>

<p>In all honesty, if you can have a 3.4 or4 3.5 by the time you apply before next March, I believe. I think you will have a descent shot. </p>

<p>I can say definately, do well in both Econs and try to make an A in Accounting 1. B/c next semester you will take Acct 2, you don’t want admissions to see a B in Acct 1 and Acct 2 not completed.</p>

<p>Plus, because you are going to have 60+ hours, you need to apply for the Summer not the fall. It looks way better if you do that so you can take BLaw and Info 210 before the fall and enroll directly in Junior level courses your first long semester. Here, even if you are a business major at the sophomore level you have to apply again to gain admission into upperclassmen courses.</p>

<p>What were your grades in cal 1 and 2?</p>

<p>Ok thanks for the advice I got A’s in both calc 1 and 2…all of my grades have been A’s and B’s and what killed my GPA was a D in computing for engineers.</p>

<p>What’s good, is if that class doesn’t transfer then your GPA should jump then. Go to [url=&lt;a href=“”&gt;]TCCNS[/url</a>] and see.</p>

<p>Ok ill take care of that thanks for your help!</p>