Chances of transferring into Mays Business School at Texas A&M?

Hey guys, so I will have all the required classes and the recommend one too. I’m just nervous because I will apply somewhere in the range of a 3.85-3.9 range and based on the transfer course sheet they only accept 100 people so from what you can tell, how do I line up? Also, if I do not get into Mays can I still be accepted into A&M? Thank you.

@Lsegura17 Your GPA is very strong and with having the required courses complete at the time of application is excellent. What is your GPA in the required courses? They weigh the following courses heavily, Econ (both), Eng. 104, Communication, and the Maths. If you’re solid in those, then I say you have an excellent shot.

To be sure you get accepted into TAMU if business is full, make sure you have a solid 2nd choice major. Ag. Bus or Econ or even Ag Econ. All of these are solid choices. Depending on what you want to do after TAMU, should really drive your 2nd choice major decision. AND in your essay… make sure you don’t just talk about business, add a blurb or tie in your second choice major just in case you get denied by Mays. That way your 2nd choice won’t feel like you’re trying to take the easy route.

Please keep us posted and good luck!


My only B’s I have gotten are in microecon & Math 1325, so my gpa in required classes is a 3.75 or a 3.77 (if you count the recommended class of BUSI 2371). Does this hurt my chances?

@Lsegura17 both of those classes are hard, so no I don’t think a B is going to hurt. My son was internal trasnfer from econ to mays. He had a 3.8 on required and 3.8 overall. I think you are going to be just fine. But I can’t stress enough about really figuring out a solid 2nd choice major. You will get into TAMU.

So from what I saw I have all the required classes to apply for an econ degree, so I can apply to two different schools?

You’ll have your first choice major as mays and then second choice as Econ. Econ is a great major. You can do a lot with it. And if you stay in Econ, you can minor in business if you want. So many options.

When they say they only let in 100 external transfers, is that 100 of each degree like finance, accounting, etc. or is it 100 regardless of what you want to do in there?

It’s 100 total for Mays per year. Not to say they haven’t gone over that number. But it’s only 100/year that they state. 100/year change of majors. So 200 students extra are accepted over the 1000 they admit as freshmen.

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I have a nephew at TAMU right now who transfers in as an Econ major his sophomore year (did freshman year at UTA) and got accepted into Mays for Masters of Fianance his Junior year. He finished his undergrad this past May and will graduate with his MS Finance May ‘21…Econ is a solid choice if you don’t get into Mays.


Can anyone help with specifics about what information to include/not include in transfer essay? I’ll have all required courses completed (with As in all required coursework) at the time of application. I want to transfer into TAMU-Mays. I know they are very selective with the students they choose, hence the reason I will have completed with As all required courses before application rather than in progress. ECON will be 2nd choice. What else do I need to discuss in my essay?

What’s the prompt?

And you need to discuss why you want Mays. What will you do with your degree. What do you bring to the table in order to also be an asset to Tamu. Talk about a class in the degree plan you’re excited about.

Any extracurriculars or jobs that show you have a passion for this degree OR that this degree will help you achieve something greater.

Hope that helps. Oh and also give mention to Econ in a blurb. That it too can help you achieve your goals etc. they don’t want to feel like an afterthought.

Are you applying for summer transfer or fall?

After talking to my advisor, I kind of got the impression that you couldn’t really differentiate. The summer was for start in the fall. Am I misunderstanding something?

You can apply for summer transfer to Mays or Fall. Just not spring. You designate it when you apply since both applications open Jan 1st on go apply Texas.

Is there a better semester to apply for? (summer vs fall)

Is the pool smaller for summer yet way more competitive?

If you apply for Summer can you also apply for Fall, in the event you are not accepted?

They only take 100 transfers total a year. They are taken from summer and fall applications. Both application dates are January 1st so I would say competitiveness is the same. The sooner you get it in, the better. You’ll need close to 4.0 or something that sets you apart (work/extra curricular as etc).

I would say but don’t know for sure, that they would look at summer apps first. But that is a total presumption in my part.