Chances of transferring to the University of Miami

U Miami has always been my dream school. I recently applied for the Fall 2017 semester and will be transferring from a community college in New York. It says that the average transfer GPA is a 3.3 and I have a 3.18 over 56 completed credits. I was wondering if anyone got accepted with a lower GPA than the average! If someone could let me know what my chances are that would be very helpful. I know my GPA is a bit low, but I heard transferring to U Miami is a lot easier than getting in out of high school.

My stats:

GPA: 3.18 (56 Credits at a community college)

Major: Finance (Willing to attend the university then transfer internally to the business school if I do not get into the School of Business Administration)

Letter of Recommendation: 1 recommendation from a business professor at my current college. She is a published author so I’m assuming it is a very compelling letter.

Honor Societies: Member of Alpha Beta Gamma, National business honor society.

Extra Curricular Activites: Part-time job throughout high school & college, many hours of volunteer work, 6 week unpaid internship at a hedge fund in Manhattan.

What are my chances?


On the transfer admissions website it says a “B average GPA”