Transfer to University of Miami - Chances of being admitted?

Hi everyone,

I have applied to the University of Miami as a transfer for FALL 2018 and I am curious to know what my chances are of being admitted. So I ask to anyone with any experience or knowledge of UM to help me out!

Here are my stats:

Current School: Broward College (2-year institution.)
Major: Criminal Justice
Current Cumlative GPA: 3.18 (is expected to be a 3.3 by the end of the semester.)
Credits: Completed 49 credits and expected to have my AA by the end of the semester (60+ credits.)
Letter of Recommendation: 1 from a professor at UM, 1 from an officer in the U.S. Air Force, 1 from my employer, and 3 more from other connections I have (6 in total.)
Extra Curricular’s: Member of the National Society of Leadership & Success & Community Service with Church.

What are my chances of getting admitted?

Thank you!