Chances of transferring to UT Austin?

<p>So I'm a third year community college student looking to transfer to The University of Texas at Austin for the fall of 2013. I'm wanting to go into Public Relations but know that it is extremely competitive for their communications school so I was advised by current UT students to apply for either liberal arts or undergrad studies and do an internal transfer as internals are recruited more than externals. I have applied twice previously. The first time was a for sure no since I had a 2.9 GPA but had received pretty good grades to bump it up to a 3.3. The second time was still a no but after a semester of straight A's, I was able to bump my GPA to a 3.5. Currently, three classes will that I have credit for will not transfer one being a D I had in intermediate algebra, and two other credits I received in high school that will not leave ACC which I don't mind at all. Also, I retook classes that I received C's in and was able to bump them up to A's, however the university will average the two grades together and not take the higher one so in reality they all together turn into B's. I have all of my letters of recommendation ready, my resume ready, and need to polish up my essays and hope to turn in the application by next week. Is there a chance in hell that third time is in fact a charm? I've worked full time to pay for my tuition out of pocket (no student loans yet) which is why I did so poorly my first few semesters and I know it seems I'm wasting money applying over and over again but I feel that I may have somewhat of a chance this time. I know there's other schools out there but I feel passionately about attending UT Austin especially since one out of two parentals are extremely unsupportive of my decision to pursue UT to the point where they are challenging demeaning my level of intelligence to compete with any of the kids that go there or the kids that are applying as well. Should I retake my SATS? Essay tips? Should I apply for summer or fall admission? Sorry for the novel but I had to get it out there. Thanks guys!</p>