Chances of UCSD/UCLA? Please help!

Hi, I just applied to UCSD and UCLA. I have an overall GPA of 4.31 and a SAT score of 1220/1600. I’m really scared that I won’t get in because of my SAT score. I scored 700/800 in Math and 520/800 in English (I suck at English, particularly because I don’t like analyzing). I took a total of 9 AP classes in Highschool and 3 Honors Classes. I play club soccer and I am the captain. In addition, I am the captain for varsity soccer as well and have been on varsity since I was a sophomore. I have over 400 hours in community service as well, and I’m involved in Organizations such as The American Youth Soccer Organization where I have been a volunteer referee since freshman year. I applied for Structural Engineering (UCSD) and Civil Engineering (UCLA). Do I have a good chance of getting into either?

Your SAT scores are below the 25th percentile for both schools. Your GPA is on target and since UC’s are more GPA focused that will help you. I think both schools will be a tough admit considering both schools had admitted applicants with SAT scores over 700 for both Math and Critical Reading. Make sure you have some solid Match and Safety schools on your list and hopefully your EC’s will help your chances.

Good Luck.

Hard to say but, probably not. Be sure to apply elsewhere.
Good luck.

Here is where reading scores fall of the accepted students at UCLA:
400-499: 7%
500-599: 23%
600-699: 41% (avg 641)
700-800: 29%

For UCSD Reading:
400-499: 4%
500-599: 30%
600-699: 47% (avg 628)
700-800: 19%

So as you can see some people with your score do get accepted. Also, you just never know with these things: you have an excellent GPA, tough workload and hopefully great essays. I’d say you have a shot! Just remember overall acceptance rates are 17% for UCLA and 35% for UCSD so from that perspective it’s a little tough.

@Fishnlines29 @NCalRent What I don’t understand is the fact that everything on my transcript looks solid except for my English SAT part but yet my chances of admission are low… I even scored 7/8, 5/8, and 7/8 on all three essay sections. It surprises me how one thing can ruin your chances. I just don’t get it.

The problem is that there are so many students trying to get into these schools, so, although you look good for your transcript, there are tons of other students vying for limited spots. It’s a lottery of sorts.

I don’t think the one thing is going to ruin your chances at all and you are a qualified candidate. As I pointed out, others were accepted with that sat score range and if your app is strong (essays - which I have no way of knowing), you have a shot. You just have to keep things in perspective as aunt Bea said, of ALL apps, only a certain # are accepted due to the sheer volume of applicants. That’s what can make it frustrating and not a sure thing. No one on these threads can really tell you for sure anyway. Hopefully you have a well rounded college list with a couple true safeties that would make you happy and in the end, it all works out! My suggestion is just relax, it’s a process and an exciting time!

Take a look at the following link showing acceptance rates and # of applicants for each campus.

For UCLA in 2016, they got 58,928 Freshman applicants and accepted only 10,413 (Acceptance Rate 18%) and the majority of these applicants are very qualified. The odds are tough for the UC’s, so follow everyone’s advice and apply broadly, have several good safety schools on your list and hope for the best.

Speaking as a member of the UC faculty, the red flag to me is not the single low score, but the phrase “I don’t like analyzing.” Depending on how universally and sincerely you mean that statement, you are indicating that the university would be not only likely, but correct, to reject your application.

You are applying to competitive majors in very selective schools. I hope I am wrong but, unless you have really compelling essays, I think you will be beat out by applicants with strong GPA and SAT.

Good luck

@ProfessorD Apologies if I offended you. What I meant by that statement, is not that i don’t like it but the fact that I struggle with it because I can’t figure out the deeper meaning.

@matchhhead12 I’m not ‘offended’ in the slightest (and even if I were, it would be utterly irrelevant to your admissions process and chances). I am simply urging you to consider what such a statement tells you about your actual interests, and how well they might - or might not - match up with a particular future path, university or otherwise. If you sincerely dislike analyzing things, why spend 4+ years and tens of thousands of dollars pursuing a career which will, in the end, boil down to ‘analyzing things’?

I simply see too many students who applied to the U because they were lured in by peer or parental pressure, not because they actually wanted that kind of worl, and who make themselves miserable to little end. If that doesn’t apply to you, feel free to ignore.