Chances on getting in...Computer Science Major

<p>Pretty nervous on whether i will get accepted or not so i was wondering if you guys could tell me what my chances are...</p>

<p>3.7 (unweighted) 4.2(weighted) GPA
17th in my class of 252</p>

<p>Taken all honors/AP Classes for my 4 seniors - senior atm
Doing Dual Enrollment with my local community college</p>

<p>27 - Math
31 - Reading
28 - Science
23 - English</p>

<p>27 - Avg Score</p>

<p>I have taken AP Computer Science online and got a 92 in it don't know if that helps</p>

<p>You’ll be fine. I don’t know exactly how the ACT-SAT conversion works, but I’m guessing a 27 in Math is at least equivalent to a 600 Math SAT. As long as you’ve taken a physics course at some point you should be golden.</p>