Chances on getting in?

<p>Hi, I am a senior this year and Princeton is one of my dream schools.. However my scores aren't good..</p>

<p>SAT- R (620) M (600) W (600) (Total: 1880)
SAT II- Biology (590) Literature (570) Math (650)
Rank: 6/388
Specialty Center: International Baccaulareate
GPA: 4.402 (weighted) </p>

<p>EC: LOTS AND LOTS OF CLUBS.. President of World Culture Club & the Drama Club, Varsity Tennis, National Honor Society (Historian), SCA, Junior Class Council, Interact, IB Connected Officer ( An IB Club mentouring club I founded)</p>

<p>-Volunteer Elemtary School Mentour </p>

<p>I have Awards and I won a playwriting contest this summer that had my play performed professionally (8 out of 250 students won) and revised with professional playwright Cassandra Medley...</p>

<p>Ethnicity: African American (Female)
I know Harvard currently has this minority recruitment program so that should help..</p>

<p>I'm retaking both SAT tests so we'll see how that goes, but how do I look right now? I can write a mean essay as well!</p>

<p>I took my first AP class (World History) as a sophomore, which is pretty rare at my school. I also take all IB Classes, except for my electives which are AP Calculus and Theatre 4.</p>

<p>A 6 of 7 on my Spanish IB Exam (I tested a year early) last year.</p>

<p>Last time I checked 620+600+600=1820, not 1880.</p>

<p>SAT- R (620) M (600) W (600) (Total: 1880)
SAT II- Biology (590) Literature (570) Math (650)</p>

<p>think you know the answer?</p>

<p>You look fairly solid in all other areas, but you need to get your SAT scores up. Try to shoot for at least a 2150, and preferably higher. Ditto for your three SAT II scores - try to get at least a 700 on each of them.</p>

<p>Thank you for your honesty! </p>

<p>Typo on my part... 660 in the writing.</p>

<p>You're an excellent applicant, but your scores are in dire need of improvement. Study study study and try and get in the 2100-2400 range. Also consider taking the ACT.</p>

<p>Im only in 10th grade but i would really like to be able to atttend princeton as a student in the future. I will take my first pre-SAT in 2 weeks. Now that guys are talking about SAT's...are they has hard as students think they are? Jow so you get prepared for them?</p>

<p>Your scores are definitely on the low side, but you seem to be interesting and engaged otherwise. The tests are in your court, but I'd be happy to help you develop the rest of your application. You could have a decent shot, just judging by what I see here. But with a lot of work and guidance.</p>

<p>3008586 -- consider taking the ACT. Some students (mine included) do far better on the ACT than on the SAT (and some do worse). It is probably worth seeing how you do since you look very strong otherwise.</p>

<p>Well, since you're African American, just get your scores a lil bit higher and you'll have a great chance.</p>

<p>i'd have to agree, and probably say that your scores are really all that need boosting. i'm african american myself, and have a 2330...and i'm pretty sure that there are others like me around...get above 2200 and you're set though...good luck!
Christina Cruz~~SATs aren't that bad, as long as you study for them...i wouldn't recommend taking PSATs until junior year, because that's when it matters...if you do take them now, though, get yourself an SAT book (the Official one works really well), and try to take the SAT sometime in spring, so that you can set a solid benchmark for yourself as you go into junior and senior year, because most people take it at least twice, and for some, "third time's the charm". good luck with high school and college planning; it's a rough three years, and everyone else on CC will likely agree with me.</p>

<p>get above a 2000-2100, and you're in, I'd say</p>

<p>Just get those scors above 2100 nd 700 for the SATs and SAT 2s respectively and you'll be set. God, I wish I was Black or Inuit or something.</p>

<p>everyone has a chance.</p>

<p>URM nuff said</p>