Chances on getting into UC Berkeley SD and LA

<p>Hey there this fall I am applying to UCB SD and LA my major is computer science
My gpa is 3.72. I was planning to raise my gpa to 3.8 taking 5 classes on Fall
Java c++ physics linear algebra and calc3</p>

<p>Well the problem is calc3 I am getting B on the class there is like 10% on getting A
I was planning to drop that class but does a W affects the possibilities to getting accepted
I should keep my calc 3 B if so my gpa would be 3.72(same) but at the end of the Spring would be like 3.79</p>

<p>BTW if I drop calc 3 I am planning to take it again with diff equations physics and structures On the Spring</p>

<p>What do you think are my chances in getting into that universities should I drop the class o stay with the B?</p>


<p>Courses you take during your senior year don’t affect your UC GPA, which only uses your sophomore and junior year grades. Continuing with the class will make you that much more ready to take Calculus in college. </p>

<p>Your GPA may be a bit low for those three campuses. Are you applying to other UCs?</p>

<p>Are you instate or OOS? Are you a URM and can you write an essay about overcoming adversity?</p>