<p>Hey there this fall I am applying to UCB SD and LA my major is computer science
My gpa is 3.72. I was planning to raise my gpa to 3.8 taking 5 classes on Fall
Java c++ physics linear algebra and calc3</p>
<p>Well the problem is calc3 I am getting B on the class there is like 10% on getting A
I was planning to drop that class but does a W affects the possibilities to getting accepted
I should keep my calc 3 B if so my gpa would be 3.72(same) but at the end of the Spring would be like 3.79</p>
<p>BTW if I drop calc 3 I am planning to take it again with diff equations physics and structures On the Spring</p>
<p>What do you think are my chances in getting into that universities should I drop the class o stay with the B?</p>