<p>Im currently a Senior in high School, and hope to eventually major in English.
Ethnicity/ Gender: Asian/female</p>
Am an IB Diploma student, hoping to get a predicted score of AT LEAST 38/45 (Inclusive of bonus points)
English HL- 7
Business HL- 7
History HL- 7
Math- 5
Biology- 5
<p>Final Grade 11 score was 35</p>
<p>All scores are on a 7 point scale
Am in the top 20% of an extremely accademically challenging high school</p>
CR- 750
Writing- 740
Was in the 97th percentile for PSAT</p>
- Founded first school yearbook
- Editor of yearbook for 2 years
- Founded first school paper
- Editor of paper for 2 years
- Spent 2 years in the Press department of school festival, was the Head of Department my second year
- Summer school Harvard 2006
Have a very strong portfolio with published poems, articles in major newspapers, school paper i founded etc</p>
<p>Work Experience
Summer Internship at a very prestigous national newspaper
Working to raise funds/tutor kids/study child rights at a shelter for the children of commercial sex workers. Have an official online blog on the shelters website documenting my experiences. Could possibly film a documentary on it.</p>
- Swim team for school grades 6/7/8/9/10/12
- Club swim team
- District Swim Team
- State Waterpolo Team</p>
<p>Social Service
- Volunteer at an Old Age Home
- Volunteer at a homeless shelter for kids
- Volunteer at a Girls Orphanage</p>
<p>Any thoughts on more unis to apply to?</p>