Chances Please, Please, Please

<p>Hey so any chances or advice would be great
Im going to apply to Columbia, Dartmouth, UPenn, Harvard (quite a reach, but i'm a legacy with money in the school), Duke, Cornell, Georgetown</p>

<p>I go to an extremely competitive school in MA</p>

<p>GPA: 3.85 Unweighted, 4.15 Weighted (My freshman year screwed me, but for Junior year i have a 4 Unweighted)
ACT: 33 (I am taking it again and expect to do better)
SAT II: Molecular Biology-710, Math I- 790, US History- 800
AP: Biology-4, US History- 5, Chem- 5, Latin- 5
Other Honors or AP level Courses: World History, Mens Choir (Its really hard to get in to here), Latin, Geometry, Algebra II</p>

Varsity Golf (4 years, Captain for 1 year)
Varsity Lacrosse (3 Years, Captain for 2 years, and I'm getting recruited to other ivy schools)
Varsity Hockey (4 years, Captain for 2 years)
My town's youth commission (4 years)
National Honors Society
I work in Mass General Hospital lab, which gets hired to work for major companies like Hersey Chocolate
An extremely competitive Acappella Group
150+ hours of Community Service
National Latin Exam (Gold 3 years)
National Spanish Exam (Gold 1 year)</p>

<p>Some Various other little awards and things but I didn't want to add those right now</p>

<p>Essay: From what people have said, my essay is excellent</p>

<p>Letters of Rec: My Guidance Counselor loves me, I've talked to her on the phone and in person a lot and she knows me well. My 2 teacher letters should be outstanding as well, i chose teachers that i've had for multiple years and that i've talked to before. </p>

<p>Anything Helps</p>

<p>well as good as a chance as one can hope for those IVYs, but Duke and GTown are good matches. Dont worry if your ACT doesnt go up, thats a perfectly fine score for even those places</p>

<p>chance me back for USC and others at
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Harv: legacy w/money = good chance (higher than most)
DUke,Darthm : most likely in
Corn,GeorgeT: in
Colum,UPEnn : ehh maybe</p>

<p>You should have a strong chance at H as a big donor legacy. </p>

<p>But for those on this thread and others telling kids they are ‘in’, the following should be required reading. You’ll see that at a mid level ivy, 70 plus percent of 800 SAT scorers and valedictorians, among other things, are rejected. It’s even worse at HYPS:</p>

<p>[Brown</a> Admission: Facts & Figures](<a href=“Undergraduate Admission | Brown University”>Undergraduate Admission | Brown University)</p>

<p>I had a ton of legacy at Harvard, plus a cousin who endowed a fellowship. I was deferred and ultimately rejected (this was 2 years ago). My scores were identical to yours. My ECs were just as well-rounded and interesting, with appropriate leadership positions. I am now at Penn (where I am very happy).</p>

<p>The point is: nothing is for certain, but you look very well-rounded and are an excellent candidate overall. I would predict that you get into at least 1 of the 4 Ivies you apply to, and possibly more.</p>

<p>Bottom line: Harvard doesn’t really care about legacy anymore, unless you’re the child of a very important alum or donor. Simply having legacy, or being indirectly related to a donor, no longer makes a difference.</p>

<p>If the relationship is with a large donor who goes to bat for you with the development office, it makes a BIG difference!</p>

<p>I’d say you have as good a shot as any for the Ivies. Your EC’s are very impressive :)</p>

<p>I dont see you having a problem with any of those schools w/ your ACT and ECs. You’re ACTs are already good enough for those schools- I dont think you’ll need to take them again. Good Luck!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;