Chances please?

<p>My first choice is Madison. At first I thought I would definitely get in, but when I look at some statistics I see that my GPA is lower than the average (3.5-3.9). I have taken a very rigorous course load each year, and I have had an upward trend. But because of my weak Freshman year, my unweighted GPA is only 3.27. and my weighted is 4.98 / 5.
Class rank is 103/481 (21%).</p>

<p>ACT score is 32.</p>

<p>Freshman Year:
Freshman English Advanced- B, C
Spanish 2- B, B
Geometry Advanced- C, C
Phys/Chem Advanced- B, B
Gifted World History Advanced- C, C
Freshman PE- B, B
Information Technology 2- B</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
Soph. English Advanced- B, B
Spanish 3 Advanced- A, A
Alg 2/Trig Advanced- B, B
Biology Advanced- B, B
AP US History- B, B
Comm Studies- B
Health- A
Drivers Ed- A
History of Rock and Roll- A</p>

<p>Junior Year:
AP Lang & Comp- A, A
Spanish 4 Advanced- A, A
Precalculus Advanced- B, B
Chemistry Advanced- A, A
AP Government- A
Gifted Junior Seminar- A
AP Microeconomics- A
Web page design- A
Designer Fitness Plan- A</p>

<p>My involvement could also be a weakness. I played 2 years of Non Varsity football, joined Key Club (volunteering) junior year and remain a member, and I am a member of spanish honor society. was in anglers club (fishing) for a short time junior year </p>

<p>I am capable of writing a good essay</p>

<p>i have two good rec letters</p>

<p>Senior Courses:
Advanced Physics
AP Calculus BC
AP Spanish
AP Psychology
AP Lit/Comp
Leisure and recreational sports</p>

<p>Explain in your essays the problem with your freshmen grades and how you adjusted. I think you have a great shot because of your ACT.</p>

<p>Only unweighted grades are used. Improvement counts, the good grades junior year mean freshman year won’t hurt you. You obviously matured since then. I would not use much essay space explaining freshman year except to point out how you improved since then. Show why you want to attend UW.</p>